Ellen Show - Tom Holland

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WARNINGS - The reader meets Tom on the red carpet then goes on the Ellen show a day later. 

L/N - Your Last Name

America, she made it. Y/N L/N was an actor who was damn good at her job. She has recently been in Marvel's Silk blockbuster, it was a massive hit. Now she was in America walking the red carpet looking stunning. Every camera turned winking in a set of flashes while she posed smiling brighter than the flashes. 

Posters of Silk and Spider-Man homecoming covered the walls being the star of the show. She was at the Red Carpet For Spiders as they decided to call it. The carpet celebrated the Spidey and his friends. The carpet acknowledged the new and upcoming Spider-Man Into The Spidey Verse. Members of the cast of Infinity War had arrived too, it was a marvel paradise.

Y/N was yet to meet Tom Holland who she had a great affection for. She had slipped up in a past interview saying Tom was her celebrity crush, it backfired. Silk's movie focused on the feminine hero that was looked up to by many of the girls in the audience, Y/N was happy to be a part of that. Smiling at a young group of girls with markers and posters of Silk.

Y/N made her way over grinning and signing each and everyone. The girls got a few pictures with Y/N and many tight hugs. Y/N waved walking away from the group, already getting pains in her feet from her heels. 

Y/N was dressed in a light puffy black skirt attached to a mostly pink flowers shirt with straps dipping down her shoulders. Her hair was pinned up and done professionally for the event. Her makeup was light and elegant making everyone feel weak and fawn over her presents. 

Silk's story had ended after a big fight that was won and having her take a plane to Queens. Silk had gone to find Spider-Man. It ended there with the audience gasping and looking for the date for a sequel. The film got high marks and Y/N had been nominated for awards, most of which she won. She was on cloud nine with happiness.

Once inside members of cast and crew were chatting with laughter. Y/N shifted with nerves and managed to get a drink from the bar by the side. She giggled seeing her drink and how extravagant it was with the Spidey theme. It had a plastic spider hanging on the rim with a straw poking out clear with light web designs. 

"Hello darling." A posh thick British accent directed at Y/N charming and all. Y/N turned to the source blushing and her mouth a gap. The voice belonged to Tom Holland and he looked very handsome this evening.

"Hey there," Y/N struggled to register words with her hands shaking lightly. He extended his hand and Y/N took hers in his.

"I'm Tom Holland," he shook her hand gripping softly.

"I'm Y/N L/N it's lovely to meet you." There hands disconnected letting Y/N take a long sip of her glass, struggling to avoid the plastic spider. Tom was surprisingly chatty leading the conversation that was a great one. Y/N found herself opening up to him as easily as it would have been for her to take her heels off. The two sat by the bar talking the whole time, laughing and sympathising with the other. 

Tom brought up Ellen an how it was his first American talk show. "Wow, I'm going on Ellen tomorrow. I'm really nervous." Tom smiled tracing Y/N's hand absentmindedly, it was like the two had known eachover for years. Tom had just came to speak to Y/N after watching Silk and finding out the two would shoot together in the near future. Another reason for Tom's curiosity to talk to Y/N was because he had found out he was her celebrity crush. He was confused why while being embarrassed at the same time, he was a big fan of hers too.

"Ellen is lovely trust me. You'll have a great time and I'll put in a good word for you." Y/N smiled at his kindness connecting her hand with his on the bar. Their hands fit like a puzzle piece, Tom's hand was bigger than Y/N's but it was comforting. The crowds died down and soon enough people were leaving of into the night.

Y/N started to realise she had only talked to Tom the whole time, not that it was a bad thing.

"Tom could I borrow your phone?" He nodded searching his pocket and pulling it out. She smiled there hands brushing together though the exchange. She typed in her number and contact info getting ready to head back to her hotel while Tom did the same.

"Call me when ever you want and I'll see you soon." The two parted and hugged neither of them wanting to release the other from the embrace. Tom kissed Y/N's cheek in an adorable manner leaving her star struck and the both blushing. 

"Night Y/N." The way he said her name, she loved it. Y/N left feeling high and sad at the same time. She had fallen hard for Tom Holland. How embarrassing. Y/N had gone straight to sleep once home ready for the next day ahead.


"Alright ladies welcome the beautiful Y/N L/N!" Ellens voice triggered loud cheers and screams from the audience of hyped up women and the rare sight of a man. Y/N walked gracefully on stage making the cheers echo on stage. Sitting down waving at the crowd Y/N smiled nervous as hell.

Ellen started easy asking about the film and Marvel. Avoiding any spoilers Y/N managed to hype up the crowd and get eruptions of laughter. Everything was going well till Ellen got into juicy territory.

"So Y/N, tell me are you in a relationship?" The crowd cooed while a light blush decorated Y/N's face but she smiled acting like the question didn't bother her.

"No I'm not at all, what's it to you Ellen. Interested?" The crowd laughed harder than any before from the unexpected remark even Ellen snickered. 

"Just a little bit your a beautiful girl Y/N." The crowd clapped while you giggled thanking her.

"But are you interested in anyone?" Y/N's body covered in goosebumps from Ellen's question laughing the fakest laugh she could manage. 

"Maybe." Ellen raised an eyebrow leaning in closer while the audience followed. "TM is their initials." The crowd clapped and Ellen laughed. Y/N panicked at her expression.

"That's funny! Isn't your celebrity crush Tom Holland?" Ellen smirked and the crowd gasped clapping. Y/N stayed quite not daring to speak. "Also this morning before our lovely meeting I got a call from Tom," Ellen paused letting the crowd gasp. "He told me to go easy on you since you were nervous and a beautiful girl." Y/N's cheeks grew a dark red and she held her burning face in her hands. The crowd was still in a fit of claps and whistles.

"That's all for now, thank you for joining us Y/N."


Y/N face was mushed into the pillows of her bed. Ellen had apologised after the show giving her a hug and an The Ellen Show mug. She smiled going back to her hotel crying as soon as she got back. The embarrassment was just to much for her. A buzz from a text caught her attention that was currently on her tear stained hands. She wipped them on the side of her hips picking up her phone. It read...

Well done with your interview you did amazing, I managed to watch it live and everything. I was wondering if you want to go on a date? I'll pick you up in front of your hotel and we can go for dinner and a movie. Possibly some cuddles.

-Tom xx

1345 words.

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