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"Where am I? I-I can't see-"

"Shut up and quit moving."

The girl kept moving in the wooden chair she was tied to, trying to get the blindfold off her head. Eventually it fell down to her shoulders.

She kept moving her arms and legs, hoping they would get free from the tight rope. Every time she moved it hurt, which made her scream.

"Your really not the listening type, are you?"

She ignored the voice and kept moving.

"How about this? Every time you move and make a sound, I'll cut off one of your fingers"

"Who are you!?"

"Jeez, you don't have to raise your voice at me. My name is Jin. Happy?"

He went in front of the tied up girl. She was afraid to move after hearing what he said.

"Why am I here?" She said quietly.

"Aw, guess who's getting their finger cut off? You are!"

The girl widened her eyes. "God, why am I so stupid?"

"Guess who's loosing another one?" Jin said.

He sounded happy and excited. He skipped to grab one of the knife's that were in the corner of the basement.

"Which one should I use. A small one so it can be slow but painful? Or what about the... Oh! I know"

The girl looked at stared at Jin. He was busy looking for something. Since he wasn't looking, she started to try and get free from the tight ropes.

"You know I can here you, right?"

He turned around with something big and sharp in his hand. A cleaver.

She looked at the clever. "Y-Your crazy"

"Y-You really don't know how to shut your stupid mouth"

"...your right."

"I should just cut off your whole hand"

"No! P-please-"

Without any warning, the cleaver met her wrist, chopping off her hand.

She sceamed in pain, tears rolling down her cheek.

"Why are you doing this to me?!" She screamed at him.

"Well you are gonna die so I should tell you before you do." Jin said, holding the cleaver to her neck. She tried moving away from it desperately.

"...Never mind. I'd rather not."

He stuck the cleaver into her neck, chopping off her head.

Psycho | NamjinWhere stories live. Discover now