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After pointlessly staring at my ceiling for at least two minutes, I walked over to my desk and grabbed my laptop before walking back over to my bed to sit on its edge. I plugged in my earphones and blasted my favourite playlist as I skimmed through social media for a while before I saw my door start to creak open.

I pulled out one of my earphones and waited for my mother to entre in her usual dramatic manner, which was her version of cheering me up by making a fool out of herself.

"Your mother told me to come up, I tried to knock but you didn't answer," came a strong masculine voice.

The door opened fully to reveal no other than Armaros, his crystal blue eyes locked with mine for a second before they wandered around the room. He was wearing the same black jeans and plain white top as earlier and had his coal black hair styled rather messily.

"Can I come in?" he asked when I didn't say anything.

"Oh, yeah," I said quickly.

Snapping the lid of my laptop shut I took out my other earphone and walked over to my desk, setting everything down.

"I assumed that you were not going to come," I said, still quite surprised by his unexpected arrival.

"And why is that?" he asked curiously.

I turned to face him to see that he was looking over at my desk with a small smile tugging at his lips, I followed his gaze to see the two flowers that I had found on my balcony yesterday.

"I didn't get a chance to give you my address," I explained, choosing to ignore his interest in my flowers.

"Right," he said, bringing his attention back to me "It's a small town, I just asked one of the guys at school" he finished with a small shrug.

I nodded my head in recognition, it was a pretty small town and even I knew the general area where the majority of the people in my school lived.

"Anyway, last years work" I whispered to myself as I rummaged through my drawers to find it.

After finding what I was looking for I walked over to the largest empty space of my room and sat on the rug that filled its centre, gesturing Armaros to follow me.

"These are the ones that he graded the highest and lowest" I explained as he sat down opposite me.

I passed him two separate piles of work and watched as he looked over it in silence, occasionally nodding his head or rotating the page to look at it from a different angle.

"You pay attention to the small details," he mumbled as he flicked the page over to inspect the next.

"Of course, you can find beauty in anything if you look hard enough" I replied firmly.

He looked up at me and smiled genuinely until his eye caught onto something behind me.

"Who gave you that?" he questioned in almost a demanding tone, his smile fading completely off his face.

I turned around to see a small flower almost identical to the one that I found in my locker resting on my bedside table.

"I-I ugh" I stuttered, unable to take my eyes off the flower's delicately patterned petals.

"Who?" he repeated rather sharply.

"I-I don't know" I responded, slightly freaked out by the whole flower situation. "It wasn't there this morning... but I have seen it before.

"Where?" he asked plainly, staring at the flower as if it was poison.

"At school, there was one in my locker" I replied quickly "Pass me that bag," I instructed, pointing at my school bag.

He grabbed a hold of it and tossed it in my direction, I caught it and immediately unzipped it to pull out the flower.

"See? its almost identical," I gasped as I passed him the flower.

He swirled it around in his hands, keeping a hard expression on his face the whole time.

"I have to go," he said through gritted teeth, his brows furrowing slightly as he tried to stay calm.

"But you've barely looked at the work" I pointed out as he got to his feet, the flower still in his possession.

"Ugh...It's ok, I've got a rough idea now" he hurried, making his way towards the door. "I guess I'll see you at school Tomorrow" he added hesitantly, trying to make it look like he wasn't desperate to leave. 

I nodded my head and watched as he gave me a quick wave before disappearing through the door. Once I heard the front door close signalling his exit I gathered my old work and placed it back into my drawers.

I know that the whole thing was strange but I wondered why Armaros had acted so strange upon seeing the flower, I didn't see the reasons to why he got so upset, I would even go as far as saying that he seemed offended or possibly concerned by the small harmless flower, but the question was why? it wasn't as if it was sent to him so what was the big deal.

***Thanks for reading :)

Sorry that this chapter is slightly shorter than usual, the upcoming chapters should go back to being slightly longer.

Why did  Armaros start to act so strange once he discovered the flower?  Let me know what you think or wait and see what happens!

Until next time,

Happy reading :D***

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