17 || December 13th, 2017

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Aurora || Parker


"Happy Birthday, Parkington!"

"Wow...you actually remembered?"

"Of course I did! I didn't ask when your birthday was for the sake of making conversation, darling boy."

"Heh. Thanks, Rorie."

"You're welcome."

"Did you ever realize that none of us asked to be born?"

"Oh my goodness, Parker! Are you doing anything special today?"

"I actually swung by Lulu's Bakery this morning. Is that the one you were talking about earlier? The one that goes to you and the owner's granddaughter when she retires?"

"Yes! Oh, I love Lulu so much, she is so sweet!"

"Just like the pastries she puts out. Oh, when she found out it was my birthday, she actually forced me to eat a donut."

"Oh, poor baby. That must have been a horrifying ordeal to endure. How did you ever survive it?"

"Haha, very funny. It was against my will, okay? I told her I was fine and she literally grabbed the back of my head with one hand and used the other to shove the donut down my throat. She's four foot eleven of pure strength and intimidation, man."

"That elderly affection is irreplaceable."

"Yup. Besides nearly dying of sugary asphyxiation, I was also planning on just walking around the dog park and making some new four-legged friends."

"Oh my god, that sounds perfect!"

"I know, right? Who needs people when you have dogs?"

"Exactly. Shall I leave you to it, then?"

"Yeah, I'll call you later."

"Bye, Parker!"

"Bye, Aurora."


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