Chapter Fifteen

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When Mark and Lizzie came out of the house, their arms were wrapped around each other and she was leaning into him. Me, Tamara, and the guys heaved a collective sigh of relief.

"Finally," Tamara muttered from beside me. "I thought they'd never make up."

Our pack and Dylan's were gathered around a giant bonfire outisde in the back yard. Eric was talking to a few girls out by the bushes while Josh explained something about a recipe to a bunch of people near the back porch.

"Looks like everyon'e mingling okay, huh?" Mark said, sitting down on my other side.

I frowned, leaning over to him as Tamara got up and went into the house, having said she needed something to eat. "Well, not everyone."

Mark glanced over at Dylan, frowning. Since we were all getting along pretty well, he'd been hinting that he wouldn't mind it if he tried talking to Tamara Rose again. Unfortunately, the guy was good at avoiding her. I think he thought she was still mad at him.






A shrill scream ripped through the air. All heads turned towards the door as Tamara ran out of the house, running for her life, as well as screaming at the top of her lungs.

"MAAAAAARRRRKKK!" she yelled, running in my direction.

"Oh, jeez," Lizzie muttered under her breath, biting back a smile. "Don't tell me..."

Sure enough, Jordan suddenly appeared behind her, shaking a fist as he chased after her. "TAMARA ROSE CATHERINE, I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL BURY YOU ALIVE IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME BACK THOSE FUDGSICLES!"

I laughed as Lizzie shook her head beside me, grinning. "I thought she learned her lesson the last time. Jordan's a damn nice guy, but you gotta know not to mess with his Fudgsicles."

"HEEEELLLLPP! SOMEONE!" Tamara continued screaming, even though she was no longer running toward any one person in particular. Swerving in every direction she could, she tried losing him. But, like a lion chasing his prey, he stayed glued to her trail.

"FUDGE. SIC. ILES!" Jordan screamed, pausing for emphasis. " GIVE. THEM. BACK. TO ME!!"

"NEVERR!" Tamara screamed.

To the surprise of everyone watching, she suddenly turned and jumped behind Dylan, who was sitting on a log near the fire with Kent and a few others. He turned to look at her with surprise.

"What are you--"

"Please, please, please don't let him get me!" she begged, widening her eyes and sticking out her lower lip. "I haven't had Fudgsicles in months! I need these!"

Jordan quickly appeared in front of Dylan, panting but stnading firm. "Dylan. Get out of the way so I can get my Fudgsicles back."

Dylan raised an eyebrow. To his credit, he didn't laugh at how ridiculous the both of them were acting. Instead, he chose to stand and put a hand on Jordan's shoulder.

"I'm sorry, Jordan, but I can't let you touch my mate."

Jordan gaped at him. "Wh-but-but they're mine! You can't just--"

Abruptly, Dylan turned and grabbed Tamara Rose, picking her up and thorwing her over his shoulder. She gasped as he took the Fudgsicle box from her hands and held it out towards Jordan. Her jaw fell open.


He laughed and Jordan pumped his fist in the air and clapped him on the shoulder. "You rule, man! I owe you one." He quickly took the box and ran back into the house, hopefully to hide it in a better place this time.

Meanwhile, Tamara was hammering her fists on Dylan's stomach angrily, although by looking at him you could tell it had no affect. "You are a terrible human being! How could you do such a thing? How could you betray your mate like that? HAVE YOU NO SOUL?"

He rolled his eyes at her melodramatics and set her down carefully. She stood in front of him with her arms crossed angrily and a pout on her face.

"At least I'm not immature or stupid enough to steal a grown man's food," he retorted.

She narrowed her eyes. "Why, you little--"

Dylan was smart enough to know that sentence wasn't going to end with words, but rather fists, so he did the only logical thing someone in his position would do: He ran.

Turning on his heel and fleeing, Tamara Rose immediately went after him, screaming as loudly as she could, "COME BACK HERE, YOU TRAITOR!"

All I could do was shake my head and smile, as Lizzie mutterd beside me, "I guess there's a reason those two were destined to be mates. Fate knew they were both idiots."



-----> Behold that delicious awesomness of the fudgsicles to the right. -----> If you've never had one, YOU HAVE YET TO LIVE.----->



Gotta aggree with Lizzie there.



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