Chapter Ten

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One day, something incredible happened.

Sitting on my bed, listening to Sam telling a story, I suddenly burst out laughing. It shocked us both, but mostly me. I hadn't laughed since. I tried thinking back to when I'd let out a wholehearted laugh like that, but nothing came up. I was almost stunned to silence when that first burst of laughter had erupted from deep inside of me.

Sam had been telling me a story from when he hadn't been a vampire for very long. He was up in something called the Rocky Mountains, North East from here. He'd been with Nox, training and practicing his fighting skills one early night in the midst of threes and boulders, when a big Grizzly bear had come across them. Sam explained to me how big and burly it had been, towering over them when standing on its hind legs. It had roared loudly, threatening them before barreling towards them. Nox had simply stepped back and let Sam fend for himself. Panicked, Sam watched as the bear ran towards him, it's muzzle pulled back to show those large and flesh ripping teeth. Sam had stood stalk still, as Nox calmly told him that this would make for excellent training. Before his eyes could widen any further the Grizzly had caught Sam between its big paws and flung him across the grassy plain. Nox's response was chuckle, clearly not worried about his progeny.

Sam was clueless and after being tossed around like a rag-doll a few times, Nox had coolly asked him who was the strongest of the two; a large and mean bear, or a ruthless killing vampire. The words seeped into Sam's conscience, making him see the crystal clear picture. He was the top of the food chain. No petty bear should be able to even touch him without his consent. Sam seemed to finally grasp the true inner monster that had been there all along, brimming just below the surface. Now it burst through, and as the bear opened it's mouth to clamp its teeth around his leg, no doubt to bite it in half, Sam reached out grasping its jaws in his hands and with a macabre sound, effortlessly tore the bottom jaw out. Blood splattered across his face and the bear fell to the ground, dead before its head even touched the grass. It was all over in a matter of seconds. Sam stared apprehensively at the dead beast in front of him. The warm blood on his skin made the ever-present hunger come ablaze, but when he licked his lips, tasting the crimson drops, he grimaced. Animal blood was not the same as human blood, and he didn't like the earthy taste it had.

Nox walked over, clapping softly in his hands, disturbing the peace. Sam looked up and still seeing red, he had lunged himself at his maker, landing a solid punch to Nox's jaw, which jerked his head sideways. Sam had aimed another punch at him, but this time Nox was ready and he grabbed Sam's fist and forced it backwards, actually making Sam hit himself once before he pushed him away. They eyed each other for a moment before a rueful smile appeared on Nox's lips.

"Not bad Samuel," Nox muttered, flexing his jaw. Sam stood straight, staring at his maker, adrenaline pumping through him with eyes wide and alert.

"No, not bad old man," Sam retorted, bending down to rip off the Grizzly's head and casually flinging it at Nox.

"Heads up," he grinned before Nox sidestepped the incoming head, letting it land right where he had a been a second before. Nox smirked at him and turned his back, walking away.

"Heading somewhere daddy-o?" Sam chuckled at his own joke, but Nox didn't reply. Regardless, Sam eyed the mess of the bear he had killed once more, smiling sedately before running off to catch up with his maker.

Picturing this story in my head, with Sam's comment at the end and no doubt Nox's facial expression, I had let my head back and laughed. And laughed. I laughed until my stomach was in stitches and it hurt, but I couldn't stop. It felt so good and so free to laugh. It was a contagious laughter because Sam soon joined me, unable to wry off the grin on his face.

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