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Eventually after a short ride, the limousine arrived to it's destination. In a gated secluded area (not that secluded because they had neighbors) from the main city, they drove into the driveway of their new home. It was a big house, but not as big as a mansion which would be expected from the couple. Although the two had much fame, they acted as everyone else. They just wanted to live as much of a normal life as they could with their status.

Seokjin and Namjoon thanked the driver after he opened their door. The two exited and walked over to the front door of their house. Seokjin held Yoongi's sleeping body in his arms and walked towards their front door.

"Wait!" Namjoon ran from where he had stood speaking to the driver. He hadn't even noticed his husband leave his side. The surprise could've been ruined.

Seokjin raised an eyebrow from where his hand was already wrapped around the knob.

"Did you destroy something and you don't want me to see yet?" Seokjin suspiciously asked.

"No, not this time." Namjoon laughed. "I just wanted to open my surprise for you."

That is all what Namjoon said before he pushed their door open. There in their spacious modern looking living room, was a long banner hung up which read 'Welcome home, baby boy.' There were a lot of balloons hung up around with beautiful decorations, bows and toys. The beautiful blue silk ribbons that were spread about the room made the house shine brightly as the sun reflected against it. Seokjin' mouth hung open in admiration.

"Wow, Joonie. It's so beautiful." He could only say. He walked over to the beautiful flowers that were placed on a table underneath the grand banner. These were definitely for him because it was his own favorite colors and roses. Flowers were his second favorite thing after food.

"Maybe this would have have been great though if the baby was actually awake to see it." Seokjin laughed but nevertheless pulled his husband's shirt down to kiss him. Namjoon sheepishly smiled once they let go.

"He'll see it eventually." Namjoon only responsded. Seokjin scoffed.

"Well, I love it either way. I love you either way." Seokjin pecked his husband again. He didn't know how he got blessed with a such a cheesy, but cute husband.

Seokjin then started heading towards the stairs.

"I'm gonna go put him down so he can continue sleeping. I'm going to have to talk you about something when I come back." Seokjin simply said with a serious stare before leaving the room. Namjoon didn't say anything, standing to deal with his own confusement on what Seokjin could want to talk about.

The elder went up the stairs to the second level. He made sure to not jostle the smaller around, not wanting to wake him up just yet. He had to make sure Yoongi was well rested so he could maybe adjust better to his new home. He walked down the hall, passing his own room that he shared with Namjoon, before reaching a clean white door.

Seokjin opened it and he was surprised how much Namjoon had done in the short time he was gone. The room - or more like nursery - looked absolutely beautiful. The left side held a white wooden crib with warm fleece blankets and stuffed animals inside. A mobile hung over the comfortable mattress, hot air balloons that would circle and play music once it was in use. Seokjin noticed how there were clear linen royal curtains over the crib as well, something that wasn't there before so Namjoon had must have added to it.

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