Gifts, Growth, and Gasps

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"Celia. I have some people I'd like you to see again." Edward's voice called. I ran into the woods and met him and a golden eyed clan. I felt like I recognized them, but I couldn't tell from where.
"This is the Denali coven, Celia." Edward introduced, wrapping an arm around me.
"You met them a while back." He said. I felt bad for not remembering well, but to me it had been over a decade since I had met them.
I shook all of their hands politely while they introduced themselves.
"You have an amazing gift" Eleazar complimented. I tilted my head slightly.
"Yes, gift. Celia, the Denalis are here to help you use your gift and control it. It's similar to how I can read minds, Alice can see the future,-"
"Jasper can manipulate emotions." I cut him off, getting the idea. He smiled and nodded.
"Exactly. You have a very special gift. I've never seen anything like it; none of us have. Eleazar's gift is identifying people's gifts." He explained. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to react.
"Um... Okay?" I whispered.
We spent hours in the woods. I wasn't sure what they were hoping would happen. I didn't know what I was supposed to be doing. They mainly told me to focus and concentrate, but I didn't know what I was focusing or concentrating on. I was growing frustrated, which led to me finally stomping my foot angrily.
"Someone just tell me what to do, dammit!" I yelled. Edward's eyes widened as my mind blurred with angry thoughts. A small smirk played on his lips as he chuckled.
"I know what to do." He moved in front of me, so we were nearly touching. His hands clamped onto my shoulders.
"Celia. I need you to focus." I opened my mouth to shout at him again, but he continued, "like when you went to Underland, Celia." He murmured. We all noticed my body tense.
"No, Edward." I said tightly.

"No, Edward." My mate clenched her teeth together. I sighed. I could see the fear in her eyes.
"Celia, I promise it'll be okay. I'll go with you. I won't let anything happen to you." I assured her, my thumb brushing across her cold cheek.
"Edward. Underland isn't real. I was crazy." She whispered, her voice cracking as she pushed away from me. I furrowed my brows at the pain in her voice.
"No, Celia. That was your gift showing through." I explained, "Underland is real, it's just another reality." I said. Her eyebrows knitted together and her head tilted to the left.
"Another reality?"

And so Eleazar and I explained what we could about her gift. We didn't know as much as we could, because usually gifts develop and can be controlled. Celia watched with saucer-wide eyes the entire time, and I couldn't. Help but think about that same look I'd seen on her as a human. When her cheeks were pink and her eyes were as blue as her clothes.

I walked into the house, needing a break. Eleazar and Edward said that my gift is reality jumping. Apparently when I would visit Underland, I was actually travelling to another dimension. Cool. That's fantastic.
Kate explained that gifts can grow over time. She told me that her gift started in her hands, and now she could project it through her entire body.
I was sitting on the sofa and heard the light footsteps of Alice Cullen. She sat next to me and put a hand on my back.
"Can I tell you a story?" She asked in her twinkling voice. I nodded slowly, suspicious.
"When I was human, I was sent to an insane asylum because I would see bad things before they happened. They would make me take meds and they would do bad things to me, things that were legal back then and definitely aren't anymore. They said I was crazy. Turns out, I was just destined to be a vampire with a powerful gift. You were, too, Celia. You spent your life being called crazy because you were meant to be more powerful than everyone else." She said, rubbing my back as she did so. I took an unneeded breath and smiled softly at her.
"White coats hurt you?" I asked. She hesitated before nodding.
"I don't remember much from my human life, but yes, they hurt me." She said quietly. "That's not the point, though. The point is that I was like you once. I was a crazy person once in the eyes of others. Just like you, Ce. And it turns out I lived that life so I could become one of the most powerful creatures in the world. Just like you." She continued, her hands brushing through my hair comfortingly.

"Okay." I started, walking up to the Denalis and Cullens that had gathered outside. "I'm ready. I can do this." I determined. Edward grinned brightly and walked to me, grabbing my hand in his.

Celia and Edward stood hand-in-hand for another hour while all the golden eyed vampires watched, waiting for anything to happen. Every once in a while Edward would mutter encouraging words to his mate. Sometimes he would grin and say "you're so close, Celia."
Finally, nearing the end of the day, something happened.
Edward and Celia had their foreheads pressed against each other's and Edward's hands were practically being crushed by Celia's newborn strength. She was concentrating as hard as she could on anything. She avoided thinking about Underland, because that wasn't where she wanted to be. So she remembered the first time she traveled there and remembered her feelings about wanting to meet the rabbit. So she concentrated hard on wanting to meet Edward, but somewhere else. A different Edward. Edward, Edward, Edward. Edward in a different world. A world where Edward was the same, but things were different. She wanted to meet Edward again so, so bad.
Then their bodies collapsed to the ground and gasps rung out around them.

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