Bodies, Bella, and Beginning

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"where the hell have you been?" Celia stopped in her tracks, taking half a step backwards at the hostility in Edward's voice. It wasn't like him to be angry, especially not with Celia.
"I woke up in a house in the reservation--" Celia was cut off from her explanation by Edward.
"I know! I told you to come home! Those mutts are dangerous and aren't afraid to bite first, ask questions later!" Edward cried. Celia stuttered slightly and her lip quivered. Edward immediately realized his mistake and sighed.
"No, Celia... I'm sorry, I'm just worried. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got hurt." Edward whispered. Celia made a split second decision, grabbing Edward's hand and taking him with her to another world as both bodies collapsed on the wet ground.
Esme sighed and rolled her eyes.
"Always dragging bodies around these days."

Celia and Edward landed in one of the worlds Celia visited before. The two were standing in the same spot that they left from, but the clouds were darker and the house was bustling about.
The Cullens were cooking, which immediately threw Edward and Celia off. They could hear conversation in the house.
"Is she even Italian?" Rosalie grumbled. Celia smiled softly in amusement.
"Her name is Bella." Emmett argued.
Soon after, a Volvo pulled up the drive, containing Edward#2 and Bella Swan.
Edward and Celia held their breath and hid the best they could. Edward#2 hesitated briefly, but continued on into the house like usual, well, beside the human girl by his side.
"She's his girlfriend." Edward said, concern and disgust lacing his voice. Celia furrowed her eyebrows as she thought about a human and a vampire dating. She supposed, had she not been turned, she would have fallen for Edward anyway. Perhaps she already had before being turned.
Celia, forgetting the moment they were living, leaned up and pecked Edward's cheek gently. Edward looked down and, had he been able to blush, would've been bright red.
They listened from the outside for a while. They heard Bella meet the Cullens and Hales. It wasn't until Edward#2 leapt out a window with Bella on his back that Celia and Edward decided to leave.
They ran to the edge of the woods, where the dense trees turned into paved roads and buildings. Celia began to take a step out of the woods, but Edward stopped her with a gentle tug on her arm.
"If people see me, they'll think I'm him." He said, making Celia rethink her decision.
"Right... Here." She pulled his hood up and gave him the sunglasses she kept on her, as her eyes weren't quite normal yet. He seemed to be questioning what to do about her eyes. She shrugged.
"I'll say I have contacts or something, I suppose." She offered. He sighed and took the sunglasses. They then stepped out onto the rainy street.
"I'm sorry for yelling at you..." Edward trailed off.
"I didn't mean to upset anyone. I simply woke up on the reservation and met a man. He was curious about me and I was curious about him, so we talked." Celia replied innocently.
"They're dangerous, Celia. I just don't want to see you hurt."
"I even got to see one in wolf form. He was soft." She mumbled to herself. Edward cringed at the thought. He didn't like the idea of her being around such things.
"I apologize for worrying you." Celia said, tentatively reach her pale hand to softly grab his. Edward grabbed hers back, and laced their fingers together, both pairs of eyes never left the rainy street ahead.
They both felt silly. Like they were having some sort of awkward middle school relationship. Edward would have preferred to skip everything and just marry her, but he knew she still needed time to adjust not just to a vampire life, but after spending as much time as she did in a prison in an alternate reality. He was willing to take it as slow as possible, as long as she was safe and healthy by his side.
He gave her hand a light squeeze in the midst of his thoughts. The rain picked up and began drenching the two. Neither really cared, but they figured it was time for them to go anyway.
They looked around before moving into the woods, their hands never separating. It was just a quick thought of home, and they were there. In Edwards room. Neither moved from their spots on the floor where they lied. They stayed there, hands intertwined and faces toward the ceiling, for minutes, hours, days? They weren't sure, but they didn't care.
Celia liked the feeling of someone's hand in hers. She had only ever held her family's hands and the Mad Hatter's hand.
She didn't like that memory anymore. She didn't like any of her Underland memories anymore.
She was content with this beginning.


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