Chapter Twenty-Nine

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"What about this one?"

"You don't have to keep asking that, Mae. Just throw it out, add it to the donate pile or keep it. Everything with emotional value has already been packed up." Coinín said, disappearing round the corner to dispose of yet another trash bag.

"There could always more." Maebh shouted after him as she rummaged through the drawers of Bear's desk, occasionally picking up an object to inspect it more intimately before cutting the Gordian knot on its destiny.

She was jarred from her ponderings by the squealing of car brakes. The house was located along Haines Junction's main road so the white whooshes of passing traffic weren't abnormal. Having grown accustomed to the nature-infused tranquility of Arcadia, Maebh simply wasn't used to human noise pollution anymore, not the type derived from bustling townships anyway. Lykaios Óros was far too small to make a general impact on the sound quality of the valley.

A loud pounding echoed through the house, too raucous to belong to the likes of Maggie. Puzzled, Maebh crossed to the window, her brows furrowing together as she saw an unfamiliar vehicle hastily parked on the driveway.

The pounding resumed, with more urgency now, steady bangs followed by a pause. As she made her way onto the landing, Coinín emerged from the other end of the hallway.

"Are you expecting anyone?" she asked as he went to descent in front of her. It was then that the banging became even more violent, making her flinch.

"No, stay here." He commanded gravely, halfway down the staircase. She hung back on the first step and watched as her friend unlatched the door.

"Where the fuck is she?!"

Recognising the voice, Maebh nearly went into cardiac arrest.

"Your Highness! I-" Coinín began, but Fillin had already pushed passed him, going completely berserk until his eyes landed on her rigid form, at the top of the staircase.

His resolve briefly crumbled as his facial muscles relaxed with what she assumed to be relief. He sailed up to where she was standing, grasped her chin in a harsh hold and forced her to look at him.

"Never do that again. Do you understand?"

"Wh-what are you on about?" Maebh stammered, taken aback.

He stormed back down the stairs and pointed a stern index finger at her. "Nobody knew where you were."

Like trying to calm an agitated horse, she raised her hands and slowly treaded down to the entryway. "I told you I was going to Haines Junction last night."

Fillin marched the perimeter of the entrance vehemently and shot her a look. "When!"

"Should I have magically sensed whether you were asleep? You said "yeah, mkay"! I wasn't about to physically jolt you like some sort of ogre? That is your style, your Highness, not mine!" she blustered, piqued by the man's nerve, finalizing her outburst with a firm, socked stomp.

The prince's mouth quirked in amusement, which rattled her even more but before she could get another syllable in, he overwhelmed her with a kiss –only releasing her once feeble palms started to push at his chest.

Slightly out of breath and with his taste lingering on her lips, Maebh peeped over to where Coinín was scratching the back of his neck in visible discomfort.

"You have got to stop doing that." She muttered, her words sounding lightyears from sincere, even to her own ears.

Fillin paid no heed to her grumbles and steered back to their original subject. "Text or call me next time."

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