Chapter Twenty-Six

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Maebh resumed her daily lessons with the queen as the weeks advanced and the end of March neared. She took on the tasks assigned to her with far fewer grumbles, determined to turn over a new leaf and embrace rather than complain about what royal life held for her.

Although still reluctant to fulfill her position in its entirety, especially with her mother's revelations lingering at the back of her mind, it had dawned on Maebh that Childbearers were too vital a role for the monarchy to risk losing. If she played her cards right, she would be able to sculpt the situation to her will.

Whilst she took little pleasure in selecting china patterns, planning seating arrangements and writing invitations for Hèmène's upcoming birthday gathering, it was a small price to pay for everything she had gained.

The notion of beastiality was off the table and in addition to that, she had convinced the queen to countersign the law that prohibited medical help during childbirth. Miraculously, with the aid of a 5000-word plea contributed by Maebh, the Curia Regis had heeded her call and changed the law to one of a more humane nature.

Hèmène had pledged to cease her meddling, particularly to business concerning the relationship between Maebh and Fillin –who were taking everything down a notch.

She still slept in the bibliotheca dormir in order to keep the nightmares at bay and was spending significantly more time in the prince's company. But her feelings for him had been put on the backburner until she could figure out whether they were genuine or a result of their predestined bond.

"I love this song!" Maebh exclaimed happily as music filled the confines of the car, causing her to sway to the beat.

They were driving back from a day in Haines Junction, visiting her friends and picking up some things at her house that she wished to take home to Arcadia. Fillin had insisted on accompanying her.

It wasn't a secret that Logan felt a great fondness for the prince, but he was evidently starting to grow on Coinín and Maggie as well. Conversations that had formerly been awkward and strained were slowly loosening to revolve around casual and even trivial subjects.

"Come on, grumpy pants. Let's boogie!" Maebh playfully shoved the prince, who effectively snubbed her and kept his gaze glued ahead.

About to embark on their journey home, Fillin had suggested they forsake the car and instead run all 140 kilometres back to Arcadia in wolf form with Maebh sitting astride his back.

She had burst out laughing and said she wouldn't "ride him like an oversized pony at a kid's party", if not just for the inconvenience of having to leave her boxed things behind, then for the practical matter of comfort.

Temperamental as a beehive, the prince had been giving her the cold shoulder since.

Having passed the halfway mark, the home stretch was in sight. They were as deep into the national park as one could be when the car sputtered to a stop in the middle of the road and coughed twice before it died. Grinding sounds could be heard from the engine as Fillin turned the key in the ignition and struggled to restart the vehicle.

A plume of smoke arose from the bonnet and the prince exited the car to inspect the problem. Maebh trailed after him and watched as he started fumbling around, his hands becoming smeared with black grease. 

Too wrapped up in themselves, the pair had not noticed they were being stalked. That is, until a rustling noise captured Maebh's attention, along with something she couldn't quite decipher. Her head whipped towards the trees, her senses on high alert as she peered into the darkness of the woods, straining to hear the sound again.

"Fillin..." she began, glancing back at the prince who had now resolved to calling for back up.

With the phone pressed to his ear, he proceeded to mumble into the receiver until he discerned the look on her face. He hung up mid-sentence and tilted his head back, sniffing the air, nostrils twitching.

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