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"Who is Conrad" Nasir said looking at Dion's phone

"Nasir give me my phone, how do you know my password?" she said coming out the bathroom

"I watched you put it in and you weird" he said holding the phone up high so she couldn't reach it

"Stoooop" she whined she did have a few weird things on her phone that were embarrassing to her.

"Back up only thing I looked at is yo messages" he said while she reached for it

"Okay let me read your messages" she said grabbing his phone off of her charger

"You'on know my password" he shrugged

"You're not the only one who looks at phones" she said unlocking it

They'd gotten back from Miami two weeks ago and had been around each other ever since.

"OK OK" he said trying to hand her the phone

"No, too late" she said looking at his messages

"Chilll" he snatched his phone and handed her her phone

"Ughh I'm starving" she said laying on her bed

"What you tryna eat" he asked sitting next to her

"I don't know, but not anymore ramen noodles"

Nasir laughed "that's all you be eatin"

"Yep, I don't cook and Milian never wants to cook for me so Noodles it is" she shrugged

"Burger king?" He asked

"Yess, let me go get dressed" she said

"Why you just don't wea that?"he asked

"Because these are pajamas"

"I mean it is night time don't nobody give a fuck what you look like"

"ok but I can't just go out looking like anything" she said rolling her eyes

"You look decent, come on" he said grabbing his keys off her dresser

At first they'd went to the gas station to get snacks for the movie they were going to watch at Dion's place and Dion was about to checkout but she was approached by a brown skin boy with dreadlocks he stood at about 5"9 and dressed in a sweatsuit.

"I got it shawty" he said slapping a 50 dollar bill on the counter

She looked at him unimpressed by his gesture "Thanks but I-"

"She good" Nasir said putting an 100 dollar bill on the counter

Dion smirked as Nasir told the lady to keep the change.

"Why'd you do him like that" Dion said opening her orange Fanta

He shrugged and opened the car door for her. Nasir really just wanted to hurt the boy's ego a little bit.

"I want a Baconator meal with a large vanilla shake" Dion said

"You is not finna eat allat and this candy and shit you got" he said looking at her

"Says who you know I can eat a lot"

"Yea but it's impossible fa you to eat that much at one time"

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