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"That's not the color I asked for, I wanted a more grey color that looks purple" Dion said

"This is the color Mr. Rodriguez brought us"

"Well j-just stop painting, this isn't the color I want" She said as Nasir came in the room

"You givin these folks hell?" He asked kissing her cheek

"No, what color are these walls?" Dion asked

"They look purple"

"You realize this is my son's room right?, why would I want it to be purple?" She asked

"Alright, Alright calm down I'a go get the right color in a minute"

"Yea please do" she said crossing her arm leaving the room

"We got a attitude today huh?" He said laughing

"No this house is gonna look a mess and you're not taking it seriously"

"What else is messed up besides the baby room Dee?"

"Our carpet is rough as hell" Dion said

"We ca go get new carpet and new paint cut it out mamas" he said

"Sorry, it's just that well I really don't know I'm just mildly irritated but I wanna cry too" she said fanning her eyes

Nasir tried not to laugh pulling her into a hug but ended up laughing anyways.

"It's not funny Nasir" she said

"I know, you wanna go get somethin to eat?"

"Mhm" she said yawning

"I knowww you not tired" he said opening the car door for her

"I'm always tired"

"What you tryna eat, and no crackers Dion" he said

"I wasn't even about to say crackers I want pizza" she said


"I dunno, Marco's?" She asked

"Aight, We'a go eat first and then get the paint and new carpet fa yo picky ass" he said

"I'm not picky I just- I want it to be perfect" she said

"It'a be to yo standards" he said

"I wanna go furniture shopping too" Dion said


"Duh I mean what else would we do, I'm tired of being in the house every day all day"

"You be in thea by choice, you know I'a take you somewhea"

"Yeah to your house" she said rolling her eyes

"You don't never suggest we go nowhere or you be sick" He said

"Not true"

"It is"
"Nasir that's literally the ugliest couch I've ever seen" Dion said

"This couch is nice you tripped out" he said sitting on it

"Get off of it, I want something white"

"We bout ta have a kid Dion be realistic" he said

"A well behaved kid, we're getting white the walls are already grey we don't need grey couches"

"This come in many colors though" he said reading the tag

"Nasir it's an ugly couch let it go" Dion said laughing

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