Chapter 2- The school bomb

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After a 14 hour flight, we made it to Paris yay, can you sense my sarcasm?

I was in the middle seat between, Creepy Uncle Peter and Puppy eyed Isaac. I was the centre of a werewolf sandwich, It was the worse plane trip I have ever had in my life and I was my only one. Isaac fell asleep within the first 3 hours of the plane trip, I can feel it still soaked into my favourite red hoodie. Then to make my current situation worse Peter decide that I was his own personal Teddy Bear and latched onto me like a leech. Pulling me to him as close as he could using his werewolf strength, lets just say that I think my spine cord shape has been changed forever. Then of course lets not forget Mr Argent who was comfortable sitting in the row in front of me wearing a shit eating smirk ignore my silent pleas for help.

When it come to the 6 hour mark in the trip Peter finally woke up. Praise Jesus, Hallelujah. Peter goes back to reading his book which to my utter shock was twilight. It was so ironic and weird, I didn’t know whether to tease the shit out of him or go to sleep. Oh, who I am I kidding of course I am going to tease the shit out of the old Zombie wolf. His cheeks blush the colour of Scott’s alpha eyes as I said he was reading Twilight and denies the fact as he hid the book. I could hear the quiet laughter of Mr Argent in front of us and then…

Isaac mumbles in his sleep a “Shut the hell up before I rip out your throat.”

Then Peter, Mr Argent and I burst out laughing. It was the exact same thing Derek, Peter’s nephew said to me when I am annoying and of course Derek is Isaac old Alpha before Scott.

What’s the saying?

Beta like alpha?

No I don’t think that’s it, whatever it will come to me advencally.

I managed to sleep for a total of 8 hours on the plane before I wake up from a nightmare of me blowing up the sheriff station. I think the worst part is that it wasn’t just a nightmare but a memory. We finally got off the plane but God dam, I am so jet lagged but no the werewolf and the reformed werewolf hunter are just fine.  We collected our stuff and walked to a dark grey SUV with the name Argent on it and drove to Mr Argent {Chris} apartment       

 We all staggered into Mr Agent’s apartment, well I staggered the rest of them just walked in like normal people. It was our new home. There was man living area which consisted of a big living room with a big window with off white blinds, that faced the eiffel tower. Under the big window was window seat, which was made of a light grey cushion and an almost like bronzes, coloured wood. On the window seat rested two white and light grey pillowed with a plan grey one in the middle to separate the two patterned ones. In the corner was a lamp and L shaped couch filled with different shades of brown cushions. Then my nose was soothed by the smell of vanilla and hazel nuts. Living room looks like the image below.

Then beside the living room was the kitchen/ dinning room

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Then beside the living room was the kitchen/ dinning room. Image below.

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