1 Tiffany Crystal Rebecca Melvin the Third

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A/N: Sup! This is SeraphinaShade1217. As my friend explained in the prologue we were talking on Skype and we were bored, so we came up with this. Anyway Please check out  Candyfaces565's stories. Im actually in more than one. (Candy: Except with a different name. Can you figure out which one?)

Any who hope you like my Chapter. Please comment, vote, and fangirl over Nico and Wolfwood who havent shown up yet but will soon. 



My eyes scanned the small room. Cold, steel table like the cuffs around my tanned wrists and the chair I sat in. A camera in the corner of the room right where the gray walls meet the white ceiling. There was an empty chair on the other side of the table across from me, and behind that a large mirror that would have driven Seraphina crazy. It was more than likely one way glass. I mean, I watched enough NCIS  to know what a freaking interrogation room looked like.  I sighed and went to place a hand on my head only to be stopped by the hand cuffs. The dull throb in the back of my head increased. "Whelp.... this is lovely." I muttered and I stared at the glass. My reflection showed a girl of 15 to 16 with short brown hair and striking green eyes. I wore a pair of black shorts, a tight fitting Green Day shirt, and some purple sneakers. My hair was a bit messy and there was dirt on my clothes and skin. I blinked at my reflection. "MAN! I really need a shower." I snorted.

The door clicked open and a tall African American man and a short blonde lady walked in. the lady sat down in front of me and the man stood in the corner of the room. "Hello, my name is Detective Haze." the lady said. "This is Detective Harold." she gestured to the man. I raised an eyebrow , "Haze and Harlod? Not very original." Haze's look hardened. "Young lady, we would like to ask you a few questions." I nodded, as i did so the dull throb turned into pain. I winced, "Got any asprin?" I asked. They shook their heads. "course you dont." i muttered. Haze sighed and held up a file I conveniantly didn't see earlier. "What's your name?" Haze asked. i thought for a moment, then said "Tiffany Crystal Rebecca Melvin the third. Daughter of Alexander Joe John Smith Melivin the fifth and Tiffany Crystal Rebessa Melvin the second."  I smiled politely and bowed my head, "At your service." Harold stiffled a laugh and Haze looked unimpressed. Haze carried on with, "There have been a lot of missing children cases lately, dealing with runaways. We have reason to belive you are one of them." i raised an eyebrow, "Do you Miss. I have a crappy not totaly awesome as frick name?"  Her face grew red, Haze glarred at me, "What are you children doing? Are you in a gang? Why were you stealing food with other children? Why did you let yourself get chaught in their place? You are not Tiffinay Crystal Rebecca Melvin the third! What is your NAME!!"  I smiled and held up my hands, "You got me! My name isn't Tiffinay Crystal Rebecca Melvin the third. It's just Melvin." Haze fummed and opened her mouth to say something thing but I said, "1, we are living. 2, no. We are not in a gang... my friend is the one who deals with the gangsters." Haze grew confused and Harlod raised his eyebrows. I continued, "3, we were hungry. 4, cuz I can. 5, and finally, you have about two more minutes with me before I go crazy or my friend breaks down that door." I ended and sat back in my seat. Satisfied. Haze snorted, "Your little friends cant get through here. You pose no danger."  my smiled grew, "oh, I pose more danger than you think."  I pointed at my head, "All I have to do is let go..... then the fun begins."  The pain in my head traveled down my neck into my shoulders and down my arms. "You-" Haze stopped. their heads snapped to the door as muffled cries  echoed. "what in the name- AAHHHHH!!!!" 


Foot stepps.

a knock on the door. A familiar voice called, "Hello....  may hap I can retrieve my Sister in Arms? Before she AWAKENS and massacres you?" Haze stood frozen. Harold drew his gun and walked over to the door. He swung the door open and aimed the gun at the head of a pale girl with long dark brown hair and stunning hazel eyes. Her eyes.... they were mesmerizing.... really a dark green with gold and silver flecks. Making them hazel. "Greetings." She had a faint smile. She looked past the detectives and to me, "Ah! There you are! We're going to be late for dinner." She said. I nodded, "Sorry Phina, i got held back a bit." Seraphina nodded and sized up Harold as if he was inferior. WHOA! HOLD UP A SEC!! AM I PICKING UP PHINA'S VOCAB!?!?! Gah! Seraphina sighed, "Well, shall we go?" she asked me. I shrugged, "sure, whats for dinner?" I asked. She gazed up at Harold, "Clam Chowder." I grinned, "OH HELL YES I'M IN!!" Haze looked at us, she was utterly cunfuzzled. "What?" she murmured. Seraphina quickly dropped into a low position and kicked the guns from the detectives hands. I slipped out of the cuffs and picked up the guns, "SWEET!" I yipped as I stuck them in my shorts. Seraphina nodded and looked over to the detectives. "Forget our faces, but remember our words. Do not come after us, but rather those who wish to take the light behind our eyes." The Detectives, entranced, nodded. She nodded, "Now, sleep." the began to snore like saw mills. I laughed , "Nice, luv the Jedi mind trick thingy!" Seraphina nodded and her eyes slipped into a normal hazel of brown streaks, the gold and silver fading. " And now I can actually talk." She said "HELL YEAH!!" she shouted and held out a hand. I stared at it, "Hell no." She laughed, "Come on Hay, it's the fastest way out." I groaned and took her hand. She still had her faint smile as darkness enveloped us. 

White light came crashing towards us and I fell, landing on my face. FUN! I looked up to see a blurry kitchen and a Seraphina who landed on her feet. Show off. 

I groaned and stood up trying to regain my orientation. "Alright lets start cooking!" Seraphina said completely unaffected by the shadow travel. "Alright and just so you know I hate you," I said with a grin. She responded with a shit eating grin "I love you too."


Our home wasn't exactly what you would call normal but it was a good home. We live in the sewers. Now I know what you're thinking. How on earth could that be a good home?! Well four reasons: 1) It's an abandoned sewer system 2) We cleaned it up 3) We put up walls and installed applianes and so on. It's just as nice as a home in a boring neighborhood above ground and lastly 4) Our home is an orphanage. It's a place for kids to go when their parents left them, died, or were just flat out butt faces, and they won't get adopted into another crappy family. In our house we're all family and we stick together. We don't have to be related by blood. Seraphina and I became the parents in the family.

She turned around to get a pot then turned back to me suddenly remembering something, "Oh by the way I didnt get any ingridients for the clam chowder could you go get them please?" I laughed, "Nice. Sure I'll be back in a bit."


I walked down the back streets looking for people who left their windows open. It's about five o'clock so I figure that people are probably starting to leave to go out to dinner about this time. I stop at a house that's two stories tall and looks fairy nice. I'm sure they've got some food to spare I thought to myself while climbing through the open window as quietly as possible. "I'M HUNGRY!!!" I heard a child shout in another room close by. Oh crap!!! Red alert! Red Alert! "I'll start dinner in a minute. What do you want to eat?" I heard an older male reply. Maybe I can grab some stuff quick and get out before they come in here. As soon as I opened the fridge a boy somewhere close to my age, the boy who was talking to the child, walked into the kitchen and jumped upon seeing me. I stood there shocked for a minute before slamming the fridge shut and bolting for the window, but he was faster. He slammed the window shut and locked it before I could even blink. 

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