{Ch 08}

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"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty

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"Loneliness and the feeling of being unwanted is the most terrible poverty."
-Mother Theresa

- Jackson POV -

I glanced at my left hand, happily intertwined with that of Castiel's, as we entered the library. To think, moments before he was pinned to a spot in the middle of this floor and I was restrained against the wall by an angry Winchester. My neck and shoulders ached thinking about the grip on that man.

I deserved everything that came to me after the mess of curiosity. Castiel was held against his own will for unauthorized questioning, I disobeyed Dean's promise to trust Cas, and I used magic for a purpose other than to help others for good. If Dean and Sam decided that my being there wasn't efficient for them or their hunting, then I would pack up my things, which Castiel just helped me organize in my room, and walk out.

Thanks to my brilliant spurt of luck, Sam and Dean were both sat at the table. Their gazes were icy, but Sam's seemed more understanding and resilient than Dean's harsh attitude. I couldn't comprehend the warmth or kindness that consumed Sam whenever he had talked to me, as opposed to the rude behavior and fierceness of his brother. It's as if they were polar opposites that both wanted the same thing- for me to work things out with Cas no matter the circumstance.

I decided to speak to try to ease the elephant of tension in the room.


Dean stood up suddenly, making his way to the bookshelves behind him as a way to evade my presence. Did my being here anger him so much that he couldn't even stand to hear me speak? My mind automatically thought to the Grand Coven. If I had stayed, the witches who created it would more than likely give me more of a chance than Dean was giving me right now. After all, I was the daughter of the talented Sophie Clark, one of the greatest witches belonging to their coven. Her passing would prompt them to train me further, making me equal to in power or even more so than my mother.

Castiel put a hand on my shoulder, signaling that he knew what I thought. The fact that he cared enough to try to understand me and comfort me afterwards warmed my heart and made it skip a beat.

"Dean, she meant no harm." Castiel explained, trying to break through the invisible wall he created.

"She tried to manipulate you, and I don't stand for manipulative bitches." He explained, his tone rugged and emotion unstirred.

Castiel walked forward, "Please, Dean. She's my responsibility. Neither her or I can stay here if she is unsafe around one of my most trusted friends, especially one I consider my family."

Dean's stance loosened, and he turned to look at us. I could tell that he knew how much we meant to each other. Being around the Winchesters for even a couple days you come to learn their body language. Dean always listened to Cas and Sam intently, exhibiting an unmoved loyalty that was highly admirable. That said, Dean didn't take well to strangers, especially if they tried to hurt the ones he cared about more than himself.

"We found a case." Dean tried to change the subject, his voice shifting from angered to thoughtful.

Sam took that as his cue to go more in depth, explaining now his research led him to a large estate here in Lebanon, Kansas. Many deaths were occurring within the prestigious Hayle family, and even branched to people associated with them. News reports have been covered, yet the police force was swamped, completely clueless to any causes. They think it was murder but had no possible leads to as who would murder such a kind, beloved family. My mind wandered, thinking of any possible way to see the attacks that happened within the household.

"Security cameras!" I blurted, the phrase echoing small and squeaky in the large room.

"I've tried the security cameras." Sam explained. "The family's highly protected when it comes to stuff like that. Accessing those cameras is far beyond my pay grade."

"Do either of you hack?" I asked Castiel and Dean, curiosity dripping in my voice.

Dean smirked, an idea forming in his head. "No, but we know someone who does."


"What's up, bitches?" A confident female voice echoed from the top of the metal staircase, her shoes clicking on it into the main room.

The brothers rushed out of their chairs and into the room, Sam engulfing the mystery person in a hug that made bears squeal from jealousy. I automatically took a step back seeing this woman, whom the brothers showed such a fondness for, in comparison to me, whom Dean could barely stand to look at. I know I wasn't set on becoming best friends with Dean or anything, but my closeness with Castiel and Sam largely depended on being accepted by the oldest Winchester.

Castiel walked up behind me, taking my hand in his and squeezing it gently. My stomach filled with knots and I tensed, a feeling related to butterflies erupting out of nowhere. For an angel that supposedly didn't have people skills, he sure knew how to make a girl's heart soar.

"Who is she?" I whispered, slight jealously bubbling within me.

He smirked self consciously, noticing my sudden shift to stand taller and look more intimidating.

"Her name is Charlie." He explained. "She is the best hacker they know and can help get into the security cameras."

Hearing her talents coming from another person only made me feel worse. Dean and Sam relied on her to help them out, and here I was, a burden on their lives. To someone else, I probably sounded pathetic and needy on a whole other level. However, to me, it hurts when you meet people that you could form a mutual partnership with and one of them won't even look at you; it makes one feel small and helpless. The feeling is only multiplied when you're overly self conscious and all your mistakes add up to make you feel as little as an ant on Mount Everest.

Castiel grabbed both my hands in his, the blue diamonds I loved staring into mine deeply. "You are wonderful, Jackson. Don't let someone else's life define your own. You're unique, talented, and one of the most beautiful humans I've ever met."

"Thank you, Cas."

I smiled, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him in for a quick hug. The bliss I felt whenever I was this close to Kim returned and I grinned, never wanting to let go. However, I knew I would have to meet this lovable hacker soon.

Pulling away, we were only inches apart. I could feel his warm, even breaths on my face and it made my heart melt. His lips were right there, only a small distance from my own. I had never thought of him in this way before, but I was suddenly highly aware of the fact that I wanted to feel his lips on mine. They looked as if they'd be delicate at first, and slowly lead into something passionate and loving that Nicholas Sparks only dreamed of. It seemed to happen in slow motion, my heart beating faster than a vampire's around a meal. He slowly leaned forward, the temptation consuming, as his eyes flickered from my green orbs to my lips almost instantly.

"Hey guys." Sam said from the doorway, forcing us to break apart.

Was Castiel, the feelingless angel, going to kiss me?

Word Count - 1278
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