Part 11

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Your POV:

When we went into his house, all around us we saw Merchandise from the Yankees

"You're in trouble, aren't ya girly" He asked

"Yeah well, we kinda both are, that was her dads.. well.. my stepdads ball, but I hit it over the fence" Scotty said "I took it without asking, It was sighted by Babe Ruth"

"George signed this?" He asked

"George Herman Ruth? Yeah" I Said

"I take it back, you're not in trouble" he said "you two are dead where you stand"

"Hold on" He Said walking over to a display case grabbing a ball out and walked back over to us

"Here" He Said holding out the ball "I'll trade ya"

"Thanks, but that ball is really signed by Babe Ruth" Benny said

"So is this one" Mr. Myrtle said "with the rest of the 1927 Yankees"

I took a closer look at the ball, and sure enough it was signed by the whole team

"Why would you trade with us?" Scotty asked "that ones all chewed up"

"I've got all kinds of stuff, look at that stuff!" He Said pointing to all of his merchandise "you need that ball more than I do"

I looked over and saw a picture of him and Babe Ruth

"Wait, you knew Babe Ruth?!" I asked

"George? Sure did, and he knew me" He Said "He was almost as old as I was, I would have beaten his record too but.."

"You went blind" I Said

"Yup" He Said "for me, baseball was life, but one day, I went to hit a fast one then.. pow!!

"Oh" I Said

"I don't think we can take this ball" Benny said

"Tell ya what" Mr. Myrtle said "you guys come over once a week and talk baseball with me, we'll call it an even trade"

I looked at Benny and Scotty for a moment, then I took Mr. Myrtles hand and made the deal...


About a week later, my dad came back from his trip, he was still mad about us stealing his Babe Ruth ball, but I didn't feel too bad when he grounded us for a week instead of my whole life

From then on.. Scotty and my dad had a better relationship, and so did me and Scotty's mom

And each summer leading up to the last was even better than the one before

When one guy would move away, we never replaced him on the team with anyone else, we all kept in touch for years, and just kept the game going like he was still there

It was so weird when Benny said that Babe Ruth was like the Hercules of Baseball, and the dogs name ended up being Hercules

None of us ever figured out what that meant, but we were all amazed by it

Throughout the years, Benny and I were inseparable, we were known around school as "The Jet Couple" which I loved

As we kept in touch with the team, we found out that Yeah-Yeahs parents had shipped him off to military school, after the army, he became one of the pioneer developers of bungee jumping, to no ones surprise

Bertram.. well, he got really into the sixties and no one ever saw him again

Timmy and Tommy became and architect and a contractor they started out small by building playgrounds and treehouses, but they became Millionaires when they invented "Mini Malls"

Squints grew up and married Wendy Puffercorn, they had nine kids, they bought Vincent's drugstore and own it to this day

Hamilton Porter became a professional wrestler, he was called The Great Hambino

DeNunez played triple A ball but never got to the big leagues, he coaches a little league team that his sons play on called "The Heaters"

Hercules lived to be 199 years old, well.. in dog years that is

Scotty and I were the last ones to move away, saying goodbye to Benny was the hardest thing I'd ever done in my life


It ended out ok, we kept in touch, the long distance thing worked out for us surprisingly, when we graduated he played college baseball, which, we ended up going to the same college, I played softball.

Benny then proposed to me a few months later

Our wedding was beautiful, Scotty was the best man, there was a lot of happy tears that day

Benny finally made it to the big leagues, he played for the LA Dodgers and was known his whole life as "Benny 'The Jet' Rodriguez"

Benny and I had three kids, two twin boys and one girl named Jacob, James, and Jessica Rodriguez

Benny retired at the age of 60, but was still a legend

We moved to our old, childhood town

One day we were walking to see if the sandlot was still there, and sure enough, it was

There were nine boys playing baseball, one of them seemed to notice Benny

"Whoa!!!" He said running over "are you Benny And /Y/N/ Rodriguez?!" He asked

"Why yes we are" I Said "And you are?" I asked

"Thomas Johansen, I'm a huge fan, and so is the rest of my team" he said

"Well" Benny said "wanna know a little fact?" He asked

"Yes sir" Thomas said

"The Field you boys are playing on right now, is where me, my wife, and my friends played baseball every single day" he said

All the boys faces lit up

"You boys protect this field, for it's where I found myself, and my beautiful wife, and if you boys ever wanna talk baseball with me, feel free to come over once a week if you want" He Said 

The boys nodded

"Alright then, continue with your game boys" Benny said as they went back to where they left off

"Quoting Mr. Myrtle I see" I said to Benny

"I have no idea what you're talking about" he said as I laughed

Then we walked away to our house and lived there until we grew old together

We were know from years, even after we were gone

To everyone else, we were known as "The Jet Couple"

But to Benjamin Franklin Rodriguez, I was know as...

"The Girl in Right Field"

The End

I hope you all enjoyed this! I had so much fun writing this story, and I'm so happy that so many people liked it, thanks to all of my fans because without you guys none of this would be possible so...

Thank you.

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