Chapter 8 - Just Some Sheets

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Nadya's been more fragile than usual ever since her episode this morning. I hold her upper arm carefully as she lowers herself into a seat in the cafeteria. Normally, I feel like a wild animal who's surrounded by glass objects balanced precariously on every surface, but not when I'm with her. Caring for my little sister is second nature, and I fall easily into the role.

I'm watching Nayda eat, or rather, stare at her food, when, out of the corner of my eye, I see the new girl walk into the room.

She gets into line for her lunch and glances at our table. I shoot daggers in her direction. I've tolerated her presence so far, but after what she did this morning I won't be able to stand her sitting near me, or Nadya. She looks away, her expression clear of any guilt. I feel another flash of anger. She doesn't even care that what she did hurt Nadya.

Weston chatters on about some new drug they're testing in the lab, which is supposed to rid Nadya of her nausea, and I half listen, still watching the new girl.

She sits at an empty table, like a black scuff mark in the middle of a clean, white floor. She might as well have hung a target on her back. Sure enough, Leah comes in and makes a beeline for her. The new girl doesn't notice, and Leah prances behind her, smacking her in the back of the head as she passes.

For a second I feel uncomfortable at Leah's tactics, but I ignore the feeling. This girl deserves whatever she gets. Leah heads for the empty seat next to me and I smile as she sits. I notice the new girl watching her, watching us, but she looks away as soon as our eyes meet.

"Ugh. Bitch." Leah grumbles, and I nod. Someone understands how I feel.

Weston looks between the two of us and shakes his head. "Maybe you should both give Evita a break. This must be hard enough for her as it is."

Leah rolls her eyes and the three of us dig into our meal.


A few days later Brandt corners me in the hallway after breakfast. "117."

I tense. "What do you want?"

"Watch your mouth," he says. Brandt doesn't normally seek me out. Is he just looking for someone to use as a punching bag? I'll bet he's never met one that fights back.

"Clean 114's junk out of your room. We're putting the new guy with you when he arrives."

I frown. "New guy? You guys found another poor, defenseless kid to drag in here?"

Brandt's eyes narrow. If I'm not careful, I'll leave this conversation with a new set of aching ribs. Oh well. What's one more bruise along with the rest? "This one isn't defenseless," Brandt responds. "He's been causing trouble down in Charlotton. He's young enough, so as soon as they pick him up they're bringing him here. Wouldn't want another potential test subject to go to waste."

"You don't know where he is?" I say without thinking. Good for him, whoever this kid is. It's stupid to mess with the Northern Coalition and leave the safety of the woods, but even stupider to get caught.

"We will." Brandt grins, his teeth glinting.

I hope for this kid's sake that Brandt is wrong.

In the solar room I check the monitors. It looks like section 58 needs the most attention. It's currently functioning at 84% efficiency, but it should be closer to 90%. Another day, another panel to clean. How else would we power this damn place?

I've got the squeegee out and I'm cleaning the solar panels in section 58 when she walks in. Without a word she grabs the supplies for the mirrors and begins working.

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