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It's been two weeks since Maryam's wedding date was fixed. She still couldn't believe she's going to be someone's wife in two weeks time. Today is the day her kayan lefe would be brought.

She remembered vividly how the next day she met Malik at the ' peaceful kingdom' went ...

'Tashi shegiya!(wake up you bastard!). Inna saude's voice followed by cold water drenching her body woke her up. She quickly stood up and folded the mat she slept on and went to the medium nylon bag which contained her clothes to fish out dry ones.

Maryam could remember when her mother was alive, her clothes ampled a large laugage but now Inna Saude has sold all of them, just about nine pairs was left for her.

Even thought Inna Saude was awared Maryam heard the conversation that she killed her mother and she was the next in line, Inna Saude didn't show any sign of guiltuness. Her attitude towards Maryam stayed same.

Meanwhile Maryam was worried she might have gotten a disease due to been woken up everyday with cold water. She spents most of the night shivering ,sometimes having a very high temperature. She even rushes out to vomit during the night, but no one seems to care. As usual.

She did all her chores and finished shortly. She decided to take a quick bath before heading to hawk. Right after she was done and went to get ready, there was a salam at the door. Inna Saude answred and three elderly men came in all clad in traditional attires . Maryam peeped through the Curtain-less window of her room and caught a glimpse of the visitors. She immediately known one to be malik's father;Alhaji Muhammad .

They exchanged pleasantries and Inna Saude spread a mat for them to which the all sat, all the way Inna Saude was smiling. Maryam scrunched up her nose at how ugly Inna Saude looked whilst smiling. Not that she's beautiful anyways but she looked uglier with the smile. Perhaps it's because she merely does it.

'Malam Kabiru'. Inna saude called her husband (Maryam's father) whilst serving the visitors some water. Malam kabiru emerged from the room, his face void of any emotion and greeted the guest.

Maryam couldn't help but miss her old and bubbly father. Who would always laugh and play with her.

Always ask her how her day went.

Gives her piggy back rides before going to bed...

But now.. He's just a lifeless body moving around with distance eyes worshipping Inna Saude.

'My son; Abdulmalik saw your daughter,Maryam and has an interest in marrying her. So as his father, I came to look for her hand in marriage onbehalf of my son '. Malik's father spoke up. While the two other men noded in accord. A comfortable silence fell on the atmosphere.

All the time Maryam felt like the world has come to a pause. Yes, she accepted Malik yesterday but she never expect it to be this early!.

'The earlier the better '. Her subconscious muttered to her. She's kind of right.

Maryam started pacing her room anxiously running her hands through her waist length curls. She ran noiselessly to the window again and peeped.

Malam kabiru was looking at Inna saude as if asking for permission to speak. Instead Inna Saude spoke up herself.

'Ofcaase is oll we want po her to be marriage'(ofcause it's all we want for her,to get married).'And maliku is a good shild '(and Malik is a good child). She added. Inna Saude was inwardly dancing with excitement. Finally Maryam is going to leave the house. She'll have everything all to herself.

Alhaji Muhammad smiled at that. But he couldn't help that he wants an answer from the father of the bride to be. He turned his gaze to malam kabiru who in return gave a slight nod.

'Well it's finalized then, but we need another favour. Malik showed that he wants the wedding shortly.So we suggest three months, that is if you don't mind '. One of Malik father's friend; Alhaji Sani said. Maryam could hear the pounding of her heart. She is really getting married!. Is she ready for it???

'How about one mont'. Inna Saude spoke. Inna Saude was really going to give her a heart attack.

'One month might be too short. Let's leave it at two months '. The third guy; malam Aminu spoke. Inna Saude twisted her lips..

'Okay..we'll leave it at a month , after two weeks the kayan lefe (gifts given to the bride from the groom's family) would be bought and the wedding will take place two weeks later'. Malik's father finalized.


Right now Maryam sat on the mattress inside her friend's room, Indo; anxiously biting her nails. Her eyes settled on her friends sitting close to her, all engrossed in the conversation they're having oblivious to the dilemma she is going through.

Today being the day her kayan lefe would be brought, it is a tradition that the bride to be shouldn't be at her house rather a friend's or family's house.

You have to tell him! You can't keep a secret from the person that's going to be your life partner." Her subconscious scolded her.

"What if he calls off the wedding ". She argued back.

'Atleast you did the right thing '.

Maryam swiftly stood up and wore her hijab. 'It's now or never '. She muttered to herself.

'What's wrong?. Where are you going?'. Indo asker her warrily.

'I'm just going somewhere, It won't take long." She uttered pacing to the door.

'But you're  not supposed to...'. Meeno started but she caught her off.

'I'll be very quick, I promise. No one has to know '. She pleaded. They all noded in understanding.


She met Malik at the peaceful kingdom, waiting patiently for her as she said earlier in the morning. His lips stretched up in a lopsided smile as he sighted her.

Taking a deep breath, she mastered the courage and walked to him. After they exchanged pleasantries and Malik teased her about how she's becoming more beautiful, she cleared her throat ...

'I.. I want to tell you something '. She mumbled. He turned all his attention to her, urging her to continue.

She looked ahead not meaning his gaze. She rubbed her now sweaty palms.

You can do this!
You can do this!

'I can't do this '. She muttered under her breath.

'Stop behaving like a freak and tell him, the boy loves you with all his might. What do you think he'll do when he finds out you hid something from him. Marriage isn't a joke!'. That was her subconscious.

'Maryam?'. Malik called.

'Huh?'. She answred distractedly.

"You have something to say?'.

'Um-uh yes '. He urged her to continue.

'Can you first promise me?. Promise me you'd never leave me '. She said with teary eyes.

'I promise, I promised I'd never leave you '. He said sincerely.



Assalamu Alaikum  loves💕!.
It's not even Friday but look at me updating 😂😉. I just couldn't stop writing...

A Cliffhanger it is 😈😈any guesses bout what she's gonna tell him ??
... Hope y'all enjoyed the chappy!

If there's anyone who wants to make this book a cover.. please dm me on wattpad. The book really needs one 💕



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