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{"You can never plan the future by the past"}
-Edmund Burke.


2 day after the wedding (9:42pm)

'You did not just say that!'. Malik playfully glared at her.

'I did'. She batted her eyelashes then busted out laughing.

Just like the two previous days she's been married, Maryam woke up with a big smile plastered on her beautiful face. Just like days ago she was crying her balls out but now she thinks that she's the most happiest person on earth.

She woke up as early as 4 in the morning and cleaned basically the whole house. The house weren't big nor small. Just a medium sized which entailed a sitting room;just as big to amass three sofas and a medium sized rug, a bedroom,kitchen and toilet. All was simple which Maryam was delighted of.

'You better run for your life'. He muttered just enough for her to hear. She stood on her heels and let out a soft giggle.

'What? Aren't you mama's baby?'. She mocked again daring him to chase her which he did. She could tell from the way his eyes glister when he talks about his mother how much he loves her. She swallowed the urge to cry remembering her own mother . No,she wouldn't want to ruin this moment.

'Prepare for your death!'. He saluted before running after her. She ran to the bedroom with him hot in heels. The sound of her giggles filled the room and he couldn't help but smile seeing her happy. He made a promise to her which he believes he's fulfuing. Or so he thinks?

She yelped when she felt his hands encircled her waist ,in a swift, he picked her up on his shoulder.

'Put me down sir knight '. She giggled smacking him incessantly on the back.

'No can do princess '. He chuckled placing her fragile body on the bed and hovering on her.

'Now say hello to this!'. He grinned rubbing his hands together and started tickling her.

'I-i-o-s-stop '. She let out admist laughter. Did she mentioned she is ticklish?

Several seconds later he stopped , looking at her dead in the eyes. His gaze felt to her lips. Imagining how soft and smooth they'll feel on his. She gulped when he decreased the distance between them, their faces barely an inch apart, their lips are almost touching, just a slight movement and they'll be in contact . She knew what was coming next, but the question is __Is she ready for it?

There was a loud knock at the door before she could find the answer to her question. Maryam inwardly huged and showered kisses on whoever it is by the door for saving her.

'Ignore '. Malik's raspy voice made ended her little joyness. She gulped staring at the darker shades of his eyes.

'Bang! Bang!! Bang!!! Bang!!!!'. The knock intensified the room jolting them in the trance. Malik groaned and roll his eyes at the same time.

'I'll just uh- open the door and bring ur food '. Maryam stuttered when she's composed tucking her head down to hide her burning cheeks.

She made her way to the door mentally bracing herself on how to calm whoever it is by the door because she's sure the person is already boiling with anger. The loud knock graced her again just as she was about to open the foor. She flinched and muttered 'oh Allah ' before quickly opening it.

The door was forcefully pushed ajar which would had leave a sour wound on her if she hadn't swiftly move. She frowned and looked up with raging eyes to see whoever it is that is trying to injure her. Her eyes met the pair of brown glaring ones of Hajiya Faltama; her mother-in-law.

'Ina wuni mama '. She greeted respectively to which she received a hiss. What did I do?. She inwardly thought.

'Come inside mama, Malik is about to eat his dinner. Why don't you join him '. She ushered smiling sweetly.

'You don't have to give me permission to enter my son's house!'. Hajiya Faltama spat venomously pushing her way inside the house. What is wrong? Is this the real her too? Was she also wearing a mask when she came the other day? Why is she here?

'What are you waiting for?'. Hajiya Faltama's unpleasant voice brought her out of her reverie. She closed the door she'd been awkwardly holding. 'Ya Allah make every thing go well '. She silently prayed as followed her mother-in-law to the living room.

'Yaamoh (mother) is everything okay? '. Malik narrowed his eyes. He knew something must have happened to make his mother this angry.

'No, nothing is fine. But your going to make it right now '. Hajiya Faltama muttered calmly and solemnly.

'What is it yaamoh?'. He puzzedly look forth and pro from his mother to his equally confused wife who has her head ducked down.

'Your going to divorce your wife, right now!'. Hajiya Faltama announce like it is the most simplest thing in the world.


I jerked my head to look at her utterly suprised by the confession. Her words hit me like hammer,at once and it stings really bad. I visualize her calm frame with glassy eyes. I swallowed the the lump on my throat and gasp for air . I refuse to cry. It's probably just a joke... right ?

Malik was quiet for several seconds, scanning her face desperately for any sign that she's joking. But what?... He found none.

'Mother stop this joke! It's not funny okay?!'. He rumbled and sat down on the chair right behind him, massaging his temples, he let out a sigh.

'Do I look like I'm joking?!. Abdul divorce her this instance! You don't want to see my anger!'. She fired yet again forcefully dropping the bag that was secured on her shoulder. She removed her veil and tied it on her wait with a knot in the front, someone would say she's ready to wrestle.

'Keh! Zo ki tafi!( You! Get going!). She pointed an accusing finger at the door signaling me to go out. I choked on my breath and looked at Malik pleading him with my eyes to do something. Is this it? I'm I really getting divorced? I'm going to be throwed out from my husband's house with nowhere to go. I'm probably going to be going around and begging for what to eat whilst people would be pointing at me as the '16 year old divorcee'!

'Please call down mother'. Malik grasped both her shoulders to settle her down but she swatted his hands away and matched to where I was.

'Get out of this house !'. She roared at me at the same time her hands coming in contact with my face. It took me several moments to register what has happened. I gasp my hands flying to my face , I took several steps backward..

'What is wrong with you mother. What has she ever done to you?'. Malik shouted, his voice laced with utter disbelief and anger. He looks like he couldn't believe it's his mother doing this.

'She is wrong with me! Either you divorce her or your no more my son!!!'.

...To be continued .

Who saw that coming?????😈😈muahhahahahahaha^^
I hope no one did 😋cause I like being a surprising pesin and I'd love to keep it that way!😌

What do you think will happen next..?

Also the rest part of this chapter is written on MARYAM'S POV, I thought it'll be better that way. What dy'all think??? Should I keep writing in Maryam's or third person POV? Your thoughts my chocolates!!!😊

Now with the special powers you have ,make sure you make that star full with colour! And bomber me with your amazing thoughts!


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