Chapter 1: Radio Calls

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6 Days after praimfaya

Clarke's POV
"Bellamy, I don't know if you can hear or if you even made it alive but its been 6 days since praimfaya." I slowly said not truly wanting to remember those memories. "If you're wondering how I got the radio, I found it in one of the boxes in Becca's room. I really don't think that it works but I just want to talk I guess. I haven't got the courage to go outside yet but I will have no choice because I am starting to run out of food."

I start to realize that I might be doing this everyday. Everyday until they come back. Until he comes back. Even though he can't hear me, it will give me peace and most importantly, hope.

"Anyway, I'm going to radio you everyday. Everyday until you come back. I hope that you all are safe and I hope you guys can be happy up there. I miss you already but I'll talk to you tomorrow."

80 days since praimfaya

"Hey again, nothing has really happened at all. It's really boring actually but I have found a way of keeping myself occupied. Most of the time I draw the people I lost like my Father, Finn, Lexa, and even Lincoln." I start to remember every one that I have lost or have killed or have died for me. Tears now streaming down my face.

"I also draw people I love, like my mom and all of you up there. But the person that I draw the most is the person that has cared for me through everything that I have done, ever since that one day coming down to Earth. Even though we didn't like each other from the beginning...Bellamy." I am now sobbing into my shirt as there is a long break before I am able to continue. "I don't know what I would have done without you and I miss you so much. Until tomorrow."

144 days since praimfaya

"Hey guys. It's been 144 days since praimfaya. Lately have been getting very sick and have been having a hard time walking. I am running very low on food and water and don't have any medicine for the sickness." I stop and pause to catch my breath. My voice shallow and quiet. "It's been so hard, Bellamy. I'm not able to think right or do anything right and all I can think about is if you are all ok. I have no one with me. No one to talk to about my demons, no one to laugh with or even just be there with and it is so hard. I hope everyone is doing better up there than I am down here." My eyes start to close and I realize how exhausted I really am. "Well until tomorrow."

365 days since praimfaya

"It's been a year now since praimfaya hit and I found a forest. It's so beautiful, like the death wave went right over it and was untouched. It's amazing. I wish you could see it." I am sitting on the top of a hill, looking out where the grass ends and the sand starts. "How is everyone? How bad does Monty's algae suck? All of you will have to tell me everything when you get back." I start to smile, remembering all the happy memories that I have had with my friends and remember all the good things in life. "Well until tomorrow."

846 days since praimfaya

"It has been over 2 years now since the death wave and I have found a little girl. Her name is Madi and she has nightblood just like me. She looks to be about 6 years old, but its very sad because she lost all of her family in the wave and has no one. So now I'm going to take her in and she is part of my family now." I have begun to come more relived now that I'm not alone on this burning planet. It is so nice to have someone to talk to and just laugh with. I sigh and then continue. "It's really nice to have someone to help me through a lot of problems. I have told her many stories about all of us and described you all to her. Her favorite story is how we all got down to earth. I tell her it every night. Well I have to get back to the little munchkin so until tomorrow."

1,684 since praimfaya

"We saw our first animal today. It was a small bunny that we let go because it was too innocent it kill. So we still just eat berries and plants that we have grown. Madi found my book of drawings today and just wanted to hear all the stories about each person. Her favorite is Raven, she just asks more and more questions about her." I start to hear Madi running behind me and she is wanting to talk to Bellamy.

"Can I talk to him? I won't take to long, just want to tell him a few things." Madi said with the biggest smile on her face.

"Ok fine but when I get back from getting lunch you have to get off." I said smiling and hugging her before walking off.

"Hi Bellamy, it's Madi. Ever since I met Clarke, she has come over to the hill and starts talking to you. She has told me so many stories about you...about all of you." There is a long pause. "You know that she loves you right. She has loved you all along and I don't think that love could ever fade." As she finished that sentence, I came back to say goodbye until the next day. "Until tomorrow."

2,000 days since praimfaya

"Hey Bell, it's been 2,000 days since the death wave. It has been past 5 years, I thought I would see you by now. I'm worried. I'm worried that I failed you guys and that you didn't even make it to the ark. I'm worried that you all are dead and I will never be able to see you again." I start to tear up but try not to cry. "Please come back soon, I don't know how much longer I can take it. Until tomorrow."

2,199 days since praimfaya

Here we go again. "Bellamy, if you can hear me, if your alive. It's been 2,199 days since praimfaya. I don't know why I still do this everyday...maybe it's my way of staying sane. Not forgetting who I am...who I was. It's been safe for you to come down for over a year now. Why haven't you...The bunker has gone silent too. We tried to get them out for a while now but there was too much rubble. I haven't made contact with them either. Anyway I still have hope. Tell Raven to aim for the one spot of green and you'll find me. The rest of the planet from what I have seen basically sucks." All of the sudden and big ship comes crashing out of Earth's atmosphere. "Never mind I see you."

Authors note.
I hope you enjoyed this chapter. This is my first story and I wanted to do it differently then the show this season. So I hope you like it and enjoy!

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