"I'm pleased to meet you."

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"Let's go to to a homeparty this saturday. Alice invited me so why won't you come, too?" Teri suggested. Alice is a classmate of us and everyone in school knows about her. She's famous for her parties. So actually, it's a quiet good idea for meeting new people.. boys.. haha. So Raim and I agreed to go with her. 

Days passed by so fast and saturday was suddenly there. 

We met at Raim's place to get dressed properly. We always do that. We usually meet up at someone's home, dress up and deliberate on wether to take the outfit or not. And it's like so much fun everytime. I love to hang out with my girls.

"Damn, you look so good" They said at once. I wore a red body coated by my favourite black leather jacket on my upper half with my washed-out jeans on my lower half. My feet were having it easy with my comfortable studs chucks. I admit: it looked really good. We agreed on "Keep it".

Teri shows herself in a soft purple maxidress covered by a white short sleeve cardigan. Her feet had to go along with her high heels. "You know.. It looks beautiful, out of question. But we're going to a home party. It seems very overdressed" I had to say it otherwise it would be very embarassing for her. In the beginning she seemed upset but understood fast. That's what I love about our friendship. We can tell each other everything without getting pissed off. She changed into a short, close fitting dark-green dress combined with her black clutch and her black not so high high heels. It just suits her perfect and we all said out loud  "Keep it". 

Raim took her yellow high waist shorts and wears it with her vintage top and shoes. "Keep it" was it.

"I'm so excited. I hope there'll be one for me"

 As we arrived at Alice house the party was very lively and everyone was laughing. People who just met each other talked, some were kissing with tongue..too much tongue, some had a drink or two.. and then there was a big crowd around something. Raim, Teri and me split up at the beginning so I had to watch by myself what's so exciting. 'Sadly' there were just two boys fighting together.

I see how Raim is sitting alone on the couch. Then suddenly some good looking boy sat down right next to her. He's having brown hair and unbelievably green eyes. They're amazing. His style reminds me of vintage fashion and totally suits him. 

He gave Raim a drink and they're talinkg. I don't understand specific things but he must be very funny otherwise she wouldn't be laughing that loud with her monkey base. There are two different kinds of laughter. The silent smiling one with a normal base when she's just laughing out of politeness and the other one when she's having a lot of fun with the monkey base. Everytime I hear it I have to laugh at well. She's giving me our signal with the eyes that there's going to be something tonight.

Ok, I affirmed what Raim does .. But now first off to the toilet.

As I refreshed myself I went out to look after Teri. 

She had some alcohol intus and she already stuck onto a boy. When she's going to a party she's always like flirting but her boyfriend doesn't know anything. And it's good. He's stuck in his own minds and won't accept any other opinion. But Teri's still with him. 

I see how she's trying to kiss him. God he was so good locking. His whole appearance was closed and he rejected her. Probably because he knew that she was in a relationship. His name was I think Chase.. Chase Douglas. He was a year above us and a heartthrob. Understandable with his distinctive face and his good looks comparable with Calvin Klein model Garret Neff. 

But I don't trust him. Still, let Teri have her fun.

After I took a beer out of the fridge I saw Alice. She's the host and I felt like thanking her. There were really good looking boys. 

"Hey. Good party" I'm telling her.

"Thanks. Met someone already?" She's asking

"No. But I have to admit you've got really awesomly boys in your friendslist. I admire you." 

"Haha you think so? But I'm a happy single. It's good having connections. My parents won't know what's actually going on in their house." 

We're talking a litlle bit more.

Then when I searched the crowd i suddenly saw blue charismatic eyes staring at me. They were hypnotizing and were warm but cold at the same time. I looked at the face.I haven't met that boy somewhere, but before I could talk to him he turned around and walked away. I followed him. He turned left to the corridor and opened the door to the outside.

He wore a motorcycle jacket and normal jeans.He took cigarettes out of his pocket. I'm actually against smokers and alcoholics but when he smoked it looked very cool and calming. He turned around and saw me. His eyes were mesmerizing. I've never seen such eyes before and I knew they were the only one in this world.

I walked towards him as cool as I could. Yes but destiny's wanting let me stumble over a branch.

"I hate you great-grandfather." I tried to whisper as quiet as I could but he heard me.

"What's so bad about your great grandfather?" His voice is deep but his face changed into a warming one and his perfect slim but full lips were smilng.  He took a last drag of his cigarette and stubbed it out with the help of his red converse chucks. Then he came and helped me up. His arms looked tiny but they were very strong. 

"Uhm nothing. He's a great great-grandfather" Damn.. I tried to get rid of the dirt but it doesn't work and they're shaping a.. penis ? what the hell? ... He must think I'm such a dumbass...

But his following reaction is something i could have never imagined. He's laughing.

"I don't understand..?" I'm very confused.

"Well you're funny. Wait I'll help you " His cold hands are touching my legs. 

"Oh holy. That was fast honey!" Raim's screaming half-drunked. 

"It's not what it looks like Raim! " - "Of course it is not" She's saying  ironic "Then I won't bother you two beautis anymore." And she went inside.

"Oh god... I want to die right here right now." I'm hiding my face behind my hands. He stood up and seized my hands. He looked me in my eyes. I couldn't move. He's going to kiss me . Oh my god. Okay, Slowly press your lips together and close your eyes. Why am I not feeling lips touchinh mine? 

He's laughing .. again. Okay I want to die NOW! PLEASE ! So embarassing.  

"You thougt I woud kiss you? Sorry but there was just a little bit dirt between your eyes. " He's smiling. 

"Oh my god I'm so sorry.." I just want to walk away but he's holding me back with his arms around my neck. His strong arms felt warm and comfortable. Under those circumstances I could just lay down and sleep. I was daydreaming about how it must've felt to be loved probably like this, when his voice took me back to reality.

Whispering "I'm Ron. Ron Levine. Pleased to meet you"  in my ears. Again his deep sexy voice. Now or never! I'm turning around and kiss him. Our lips are pressing against each other. They're soft and it's a very passionate one. First slowly then faster. I desire more. .After what felt like an eternity our lips left the other one.

My first kiss.

"Pleasure is mine." 

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