Until we meet again

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We stood there, outside. Ron totally composed in the situation and me who's hands are shaking, firstkissed . I looked into his blue shining eyes. We didn't say anything. We listened to the sound of the crickets. It's almost like a movie! So cool...

When suddenly the fairy lights went on. Bright enough to see the surrounding and dark enough to still see the stars lighten up in the clear sky.Just now I realized how beautiful Alice's garden was. Big green leaves around fences out of woods.Tendrils, roses, bushes, flowers..  everything reminded me of garden eden. And we.. we are now in the midst of it. Under a big tree with red autumn leaves. He was Adam and I was Eve. 

I've always wanted my first kiss to be perfect. And now it was. 

"You've got beautiful eyes." What am i saying? 

Ron's lauhging. "Haha seriously? I hate them"


"They remind me of my hated father." 

"Why do you hate him?"

"He always stole my sweets.haha" he pauses.

"No it's just a joke. He abandonded me and my mother when I was only 5 years and ran away with some slut."

"I'm sorry". I replied. "I never knew.."

"How would you." He gave me a smile

He knew that i felt uncomfortable. I did not wanted to bring up such a heavy topic. He somehow sensed it and tried to cheer me up when it actually was my part.

"Don't worry okay?. This way I could eat the sweets myself. So it was actually positive." He's smiling

"Haha.How can you joke in this kind of situation?" 

"I'm used to it." 

Silence came up. He held my hand and kissed me again. My face was carried by his fingers. I am okay when I die now was what I thought but didn't wanted to happen in the end. This moment was just perfect. 

After we stopped he looked me in the eyes and said "Come with me".

He didn't heard my what?where? and just ran taking me with him. He ran as fast as he could and didn't cared whether I had enough stamina or not. After we ran what felt like kilometres which were in reality 200m we arrived his motorcycle.

Oh yeahhh.. how cool i thought. "We are going to drive motorcycle whohoho" I was singing and dancing. How stupid am I ? I totally forgot that the coolest boy (After Adam Levine haha) I've ever met must think I am an idiot dancing and singing over a motorcycle. Yep I was right.. His laughing told me I was right. But I do love driving around without a belt. I always feel like a bird ready to fly. 

"Why're you so excited about a motorcycle?" he's asking while still laughing

"My brother used to drive me around at night but after he got himself a boyfriend there's no space for me on the backseat"

"You're brother is gay?"

"Yes. You didn't know? We were the topic of conversation when he outed himself. But we were strong together and overcame it. Now everyone's used to it and accepts him. I love my big brother"

"Wow. Great. I think i should become a homo, too."

 "What?"My expression freezed.ARE YOU SERIOUS? AFTER YOU STOLE MY FIRST KISS?YOU THINK ABOUT BECOMING GAY? was what i wanted to scream. But I try to act composed.

"Hahahaha as if. Got ya"

Right now the urge of hitting him came up but his sixpack bounced the hit back.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Aug 25, 2012 ⏰

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