Gift him hope

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He had to admit that he'd probably been just a tad too obvious with the staring and the whole Persephone story.

But he did have to try to gauge a reaction out of her. Somehow.
He guessed her intently not looking at him was a reaction too. Not that he should be very proud of that, considering that he should be trying to make her trust him, not scare her with staring and being a freak.
And a stalker now too, apparently.
He had not meant to follow her. At all. He had meant to go straight back to the Underworld and question the Furies about reincarnation. Or something along the lines of that. Maybe ask them nicely, as they tended to be pretty cranky on a good day.
There hadn't been many good days since Persephone disappeared.

But then she had gathered her things off her desk right as he'd turned around to take a last look at that face - and the way the light reflected off her hair and her green eyes were stronger than his resolve to leave the girl alone for the time being.
So, as she left the class, he silently followed her, knowing full well he looked like a creep and hoping she wasn't going to look back and somehow realize he's trailing her .
He watched from far behind as she walked down the stairs of the school building and into the garden - which looked almost as beautiful as any flowers she had grown back home.
He would have never grown bored of looking at her, but he did start feeling guilty.
If this was not his Persephone, it was a total dick move. And if it was her, she'd probably punch him as soon as she found out. Or grow roots around his feet and never let him move again - though, thinking better of it, that could get entertaining pretty easily.

With a thought, he disparated from the shade of a big oak tree just as Thea sat down on a bench next to another girl he'd spotted last night at their impromptu summoning.

The air in the Underworld was different. It had smelled of sun and flowers during the months Persephone had spent there every mortal year - however impossible that may seem. Now, though, the air was musty and it almost stuck in his lungs. It looked and felt like the mortals thought the Underworld was.
And if it felt like this for him, he couldn't even begin to imagine how it was for the souls in the Forest of the Lost. Not that any of the souls lost in the Forest deserved any fresh air.
Elysium suffered from the loss of Underworld's queen too, though, and that was a problem.

But he had no time to worry about a kingdom that had been falling apart for longer than he cared to count. Not as there was a chance that he could get its queen back.

Making his way down a formerly beautiful walkway that was now mainly rotten and muddled up, he headed for the Furies's castle - or what had been their castle, for now it was almost crumbling.
They would sure be happy to help him, especially if it was about Persephone.
They had been her friends, after all.

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