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Dragon Form

Name: Lila. (His real name is Ripple.)
Species: Scauldron.
Gender: Male.
Stage: Adult.
Rider: None.
Wild: Wild.
Personality: Permanently annoyed. He hates that everyone calls him by a girl's name and has been known to attack people for teasing him about it.
Appearance: Pictured above.

Shift Human

Name: Rory.
Age: 23.
Gender: Male.
Friend/Foe: Neutral.
Dragon: None.
Village: None.
Personality: Permanently annoyed. He hates that everyone calls him by a girl's name and has been known to attack people for teasing him about it.
Appearance: Pictured below.

My faceclaim for this one is Sebastian Stan.

My faceclaim for this one is Sebastian Stan

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