Drarry - public kiss

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A/N  I'm posting this now for the 30 day kissing challenge but this is actually a science from a fic I'm writing. It has no name yet but it's an angusty and dark drarry fic where Draco finds Harry near dead and turns him into a vampire. Later Harry is resorted into Slytherin and becomes giid friends with Draco, Pansy, Blaise, and still ravenclaw Luna. Draco tells him about Voldemort's true intentions and by Christmas Harry is voldemort's heir and he goes on his first date with Draco. That's all I have so far it's set in fifth year. It's better than it sounds, I'm just terrible at summarys:)

Harry reluctantly made his way through the barrier of platform 9 3/4 with Draco, 'cissa, and Lucius following behind him. Harry sighed as he pulled his trunk and Hedwig's empty cage behind him. The quartet made their way through the muggles until they saw Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon standing by platform ten with matching scowls on their face. Harry could help but smirk when Draco stopped him five feet from where his relatives were standing, just like they had planned. "You're going to write me this summer, right L'amour de ma vie [1] ?" Draco asked him loud enough so his aunt and uncle would hear while he cupped Harrys check in a loving manner.

Harry sighed in an overdramatic lovey-dovey way, catching the eye of a few people walking by as well as his aunt and uncle who looked at them with wide eyes. "Of course I will write to you, love. It would be just agony to not hear from you for two months I don't think I'd be able to stay sane." Harry said in the same way he had sighed while looking at Draco with the same expression all the girls were looking a Lockhart in second year. Harry glanced at his relatives from the corner of his eye and almost laughed at their expressions. His aunt looked as if she had just swallowed a lemon while his uncle was slowly turning purple. Oh, Harry thought, he was going to have so much fun with this, for if there was one thing the Dursleys hated more than magic it would be homosexuality.

Harry looked up into Draco's eyes and unconsciously licked his lips. "I'll miss you Dragon, I love you," Harry said before he quickly reached up and intertwined his fingers in Draco's hair and pulled him down into a soft kiss. Draco eagerly kissed back, as his free hand slowly ventured down to grope Harry's arse. Harry groaned quietly, only loud enough for Draco to hear. Just as the kiss was starting to turn into a make-out session -both parties forgot they were in public- a shriek was heard behind them.

The two vampires quickly step back from each other and look toward Aunt Petunia, who was the one to shriek. She was looking at them with wide eyes and a shocked expression on her pale, horse-like face. Beside her uncle Vernon was squinting at them with his watery blue eyes, his face was very purple and he looked as if he were about to explode. The place went eerily quiet for a moment as if the whole platform had a silencing spell on it before uncle Vernon yelled, "BOY WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING! I WILL NOT HAVE A POOFER IN MY HOUSE, ITS BAD ENOUGH WE HAVE TO PUT UP WITH YOUR FREAKISHNESS, NOW GO TO THE CAR RIGHT NOW OR YOU WILL BE LEFT HERE WITH THAT FAIRY BOYFRIEND OF YOURS!" Uncle Vernon than turned around, pulling a horrified Aunt Petunia with him, both of his relatives were either ignoring or not noticing all of the horrified and judgmental stares they were receiving after that outburst.

Harry glared at his uncles retreating form, how dare that filthy human call his Draco such a hateful thing. With one final kiss and quick goodbyes to the other two Malfoy's, Harry quickly caught up his relatives and silently made his way to the car. He had a plan to go through with after all.


1- L'amour de ma vie = love of my life,

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