Wolfstar -Stolen Kiss

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    "-and I accidentally ate his chocolate," Sirius told James, the two were sitting cross-legged on Sirius's bed swapping story's. It was very much like a stereotypical teen girls slumber party. James laughed at his friend's misfortune, patting him on the back.

     "That's tough mate... What colour flowers do you want at your funeral, chase Moony's gonna kill you if he finds out you ate all his chocolate, boyfriend or not." James informed with a half-serious expression of sympathy.

     "Sod off James, it's all your fault I did it in the first place," Sirius exclaimed shoving the brunet boy across from him. James landed on a mountain of pillows, his arms flailing beside him.

      James sat up with a pout as he fixed his rectangular glasses. "How is it my fault?" He asked.

     "Because..." Sirius trailed off, "because you're the one that got that muggle herb in the first place," he reasoned.

     James quirked an eyebrow at that accusation "no you were the one that bought it from that Hufflepuff Padfoot."

      Sirius pouted at that before his face lit up and he pointed his finger towards the roof with a little 'aha' noise. "But your the one that let me smoke it," Sirius tried to reason once again.

        James shook his head in disbelief, "I didn't let you do anything, you were already high when I entered the room," James said with a roll of his eyes.

      James shook his head softly and placed a recurring hand on Sirius's shoulder. "Padfoot, Padfoot, just admit it it isn't anyone's fault but your own. Maybe next time you won't smoke an unknown muggle herb that makes you incredibly hungry around Moony's chocolate."

      Sirius sighed dejected, "I guess your right." He looked down at his lap before looking back up at James. "Will you sneak into Honeydukes today and help me replace it before moony notices?"

        "Sure mate, what are best mates for," James said as he leaned over and gave Sirius a bro hug right at the moment Remus walked through the door.

      "Remmy," Sirius yelled excitedly with a smile on his face as he jumped up James quickly getting up too.

      Remus gave the two pranksters a suspicious look. "What are you two up to?" He asked.

     "Nothing, we solemnly swear, just doing best bro things," Sirius said quickly. Remus narrowed his eyes at the two. Suddenly Sirius hugged Remus, "gotta go, love," he said, quickly stealing a kiss before high buckling it out of the dorm room, James right behind him.

   Remus shrugged, there's really no predicting those two anymore. With a sigh, Remus placed his books on the desk and grabbed the container contains his stash of chocolate. He had a spare block so why not relax with his favourite food. Opening the container he was expecting to be met with prices upon prices of chocolate instead he was met with one lone wrapper. Remus slammed the lid down "SIRIUS ORION BLACK!" He yelled and ran after the two boys.

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