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harmony | sawyer

i'm so sorry about last night, can you just like completely ignore what i said? i swear i get drunk when i don't sleep well..

whatever. anyways, you can like delete my number or something

i'm glad to know you never hurt that persons sorry ass. just out of curiosity, is the person you were going to hurt a psycho ex-boyfriend?

if so, just tell him to fuck off

yeah, it was actually. how'd you guess?

and no shit sherlock. great advice you have

i've tried literally anything and everything and he just comes crawling back to me like a lost puppy

just a hunch

whoah, feisty. and i know. i have great advice, don't i?

dot.. dot... dot..

did you seriously just type out dot dot dot

yeah, i did. i'm trying to emphasize the fact that you're making me want to pull my hair out

and for all i know, you could be a sixty year old man so like...

yeah yeah, whatever. and i'm eighteen, excuse you. back at you, though. for all i know, you could be a lonely forty year old woman.

i think we both know that i'm not a forty year old woman. i just turned eighteen :)

out of curiosity, what's your name? because of you don't tell me i might have to start calling you dumb or something :)

my name is sawyer. and i am not dumb, excuse you. everyone loves me!

wow. you have a huge ego. i know a sawyer that goes to my school. doubt it's you though. you probably live across the world, just saying

but i just can't believe how i typed the number wrong. you think you would know your boyfriends number, even after breaking up.

i don't know, but i get to talk to you so i'm alright with it.

i live in florida lol

wait what's your name, i told you mine

i'm not telling you, i hate my name so..

i bet your name is as beautiful as your personality seems

ha! i just choked on my water. best joke i've ever heard. my personality is the definition of garbage, so go fuck a cactus.

damn, you're extremely feisty. aw, so cute.

but ouch, that hurts. i wouldn't mind fucking you, though.

god, you are so annoying. you don't even know me but dang your blunt

don't call me cute. i hate that.

anywaysss, what are you doing today?

i'm calling you cutie now, don't fight it. i'm studying for a dumb test i have on monday.

wow! you actually study? i'm surprised. and don't you dare call me cutie or i will have your ass.

aw, i would love for you to have my ass

hey that's offensive

i kind of imagined you as like the quarterback on the football team or something. whoops.

do you make everything inappropriate?

well, you're close. i'm the captain of the schools soccer team. you were right though, i'm only studying because if i don't then i'll fail chemistry and no more soccer for me

i make stuff inappropriate because of what you say, so technically it's your fault :)

oh, and cutie?


and i said to not call me that, but yes?

you're right, i'm a pretty blunt person. i bet i made you blush earlier, though.

SAWYER WAS RIGHT. Harmony had been hiding in her closet, her safe place, while listening to music and texting Sawyer. Every time Sawyer texted an innuendo, Harmony couldn't stop the blush from rising on her cheeks.

Harmony usually wasn't the type of girl to blush at something a boy had said, especially one shes never met. But she liked talking to Sawyer, and little did she know, Sawyer liked talking to her, too.

But what they also didn't know was that they were saving each other. They were saving each other from their own difficult lives,

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