October 6, 2016
The first thing Jacqueline noted about the karaoke club was how full it was. She half expected it to be pretty empty. Guess she underestimated other people's desired form of entertainment.
It was pretty dark, lights coming from fairy lights along the walls and the lamp lights on the tables. It was a soothing ambiance accompanied by a voice loudly and happily singing September by Earth, Wind, and Fire.
"Guess that's our sun god." Elijah said, nodding over at the stage
Jacqueline took notice of the man on stage. He had blonde hair pulled back into a bun and sky blue eyes. He had a deep tan, as if he spent all his time out at the beach. He looked like a surfer dude. A glamorous surfer dude. He wore a button up short sleeved flower shirt with skinny jeans and converse.
He had a wide grin as he danced around on the small stage, singing every lyric without the need of the small screen in front of him. Jacqueline wouldn't have thought of him as a god or as the father to any of those demigods in his cabin back at Camp Half-Blood. He didn't look any older than being a college student.
Jacqueline and her two cousins went to sit at a table near the stage. It was the only one that was empty and it had one other chair vacant. Seemed too convenient.
Once the song was over, the man walked over to their table and flashed the teenage girl a sweet smile, "You guys mind if I sit here?"
The girl blushed and smiled shyly, "We were actually wondering if we could speak with you."
"For some karaoke suggestions?" His smile widened into a grin as he sat down on the empty chair that was between Jacqueline and Elijah, "Can't go with any slow pace songs. It'll bore the crowd too quickly. Then again, they're not easy to please. Go figure, we're in New York. People expect you to act as if you're in Cirque de Soleil or something."
A server came and placed chips and guac in the middle of their table. She then smiled, asking whether or not they'd like any drinks. They all kindly denied, except for Apollo who asked for a lemonade. Someone else went on stage and started singing a song by The Chainsmokers off key. Apollo made a sour face, turning his attention away from the stage while shaking his head.
"Not for karaoke." Elijah said, "We're actually on a quest."
"That's disheartening." Apollo let out a slow, long sigh, "All you guys know to do is be in danger. Why don't you let loose and have fun?"
"Maybe after this quest." Jacqueline gave the god a halfhearted promise
The sun god seemed pleased enough as his blue eyes twinkled happily, "I like you. At least someone knows how to have fun. They have the best selection of songs here. Do you like King Princess?"
Oliver rolled his eyes, "He's hopeless. Let's just go."
"Stop being such a grump, Oli." Elijah reprimanded, shaking his head at his friend before looking back at Apollo, "I actually had a dream about coming to you for help."
"Really?" The man's face was alight with interest, "How can I be of service?"
Jacqueline set off to tell everything that she and her cousins had spoken about since yesterday. All the while, a couple went up on stage to sing a nice love song. She could tell the god of music was half listening to her, half enamored by the couple. She was still skeptical as to why they needed Apollo's help. It wasn't as if she was discrediting the sun god. It was just that... weren't gods not supposed to mingle with 'mortals'?
"Alaska? That's sounds as bad as the last guy that was up on the stage."
The teenage girl let a soft laugh leave her lips, "My brother said that Titans can only be defeated by a god and demigod working together."
"Who's your brother?"
"Percy Jackson."
Apollo raised an eyebrow with renowned interest, "Oh, really? Now that's something you don't hear everyday. I didn't know he had a sister."
"Just found out about a week ago."
"You two exhibit the same aura of authority and loyalty." The god nodded respectfully, "At any rate, he is right about the god/demigod thing against the Titans. It wouldn't work if it were just the demigod. Then again, Percy proved that principle wrong when he fought Kronos years ago."
Oliver, who had been chewing on a chip, choked. He took a few moments to compose himself, "Percy did what?"
"I could sing a haiku about it!" Apollo had a grin on his face, "You guys'll love it, I promise."
"Maybe some other time." Elijah said quickly, "Anyway, would this help of yours be you coming to Alaska with us?"
The sun god snorted, looking at the son of Hades incredulously, "Are you crazy? I'd never want to be there. Father would skin me alive if I was in Alaska. It's the land beyond the gods. You wouldn't go there if you had the sense."
"Apollo, our loved ones are in danger because of us." Jacqueline thought back to Peter and her fingers went to tugging on the chain where her heart locket was, "With or without your help, we're going up to Alaska but, I'd rather have your help."
Apollo regarded her seriously for a moment. Then, his face broke out into a grin once again, "Fine, I'll help you. I like feeling wanted."
Elijah smiled at her before turning over to Apollo, "So you're going with us?"
"No, but, I'll give you something that might just help you with those Titans of yours. You wouldn't have to fight them if they were knocked out."
"Like... asleep?" Jacqueline asked
"Why not?" Apollo responded, shrugging with a smile, "Then again, they probably wouldn't be that dumb. You'd have to use this at the right moment, without them being able to expect it."
The teenage girl nodded in understanding. It seemed feasible enough that they'd do it as quick as possible but, she'd work everything out with the other two demigods. They just needed to get to Alaska as quickly as possible.
Fishing out of his pocket, Apollo's hand was outstretched to reveal a harmonica. Oliver raised an eyebrow before letting out a chuckle. Elijah had a small smile. Jacqueline wanted to smack both of them.
"We're gonna defeat Titans with a harmonica?" Oliver asked incredulously
"I don't like him." Apollo wrinkled his nose at the son of Zeus as he spoke to Jacqueline
She smirked as she watched Oliver become offended, "Don't worry. I don't either."
Jacqueline gratefully accepted the harmonica and put it inside her bag. The sun god seemed thoroughly pleased with her and that made her smile. She wondered whether all gods were as nice as him and her father.
"Can we go now?" Oliver asked
"Let's go, you big cry baby." Elijah said, standing up after finishing the rest of the chips and guac, "Maybe we can hitch a ride to Canada, if we're lucky."
Jacqueline moved to stand up but Apollo stopped her by reaching across the table for her hand. Elijah looked over at her with a raised eyebrow and she gave him a reassuring smile.
"Go look for the ride. I won't be long."
"Maybe we can ditch her while-"
"Cut it out, you dork." Elijah told his cousin as they walked off
"I suggest you guys go to Quebec." Apollo said, sitting back on his chair and sipping at his lemonade, "It's nice there. I think I heard that Aphrodite loves it there this time of year."
"We have to go see Aphrodite?" Jacqueline asked, cocking her head to the side in confusion
"You don't have to do anything. It's a suggestion. She might be able to give you some type of transportation to Alaska. Or, she might just lecture you guys on love. It depends on what type of mood she's in."
The teenage girl cracked a small smile, "So, there's no telling whether she'll help us or not."
"You managed to persuade me into helping you." Apollo pointed out, "When you play that harmonica, make sure you play the lowest note possible. It'll give you enough time to get your friends and run out of there as quickly as possible."
"And if it doesn't work?"
"I hope you've got that raw power your brother does because, you're going to need it."