October 6, 2016
Just as when Jacqueline began nodding off, a loud crash was what jolted her awake.
"Holy mother of god, what is that?!"
The man who had been driving the car pressed on the brakes hard, causing the van to come to a skidding stop. Everyone else who had been asleep were woken up by the impact. Jacqueline wished this was another situation because she probably would've laughed at Oliver hitting his head against the window.
"Wh—What's going on?" Elijah asked, half awake and thoroughly disgruntled that he'd been forced to wake up from his nap
"That is." Jacqueline responded, pointing out of the windshield
The teenage girl had lost track of time but, she guessed it was probably around eleven at night. The road was dark except for the few street lights that lined its sides.
The crash they'd heard was a large tree falling right in front of the car. A roar sounded from out in the darkness and Jacqueline felt the hairs along her arms stand up. A random thought at the back of her mind made her think back to Peter and his Spidey sense. Then again, this wasn't her Spidey sense. This was fear.
"That doesn't seem like a coincidence." Oliver muttered to the other two demigods.
"These people cant get hurt." Jacqueline whispered back
"You guys, maybe we should-"
Elijah was cut off from speaking any further as the car was flipped.
Jacqueline closed her eyes tightly, waiting for the impact. Everyone else in the car was screaming, especially Elijah, who was shouting curses in Greek, Latin, and, what the teenage girl could only guess was Amharic. Moments passed, and nothing happened. She opened her eyes at the sound of grunting. Incredulous, the teenage girl watched the son of Zeus, his eyes screwed shut and his face red, levitate the car over the fallen tree.
Once the van was safely landed on the ground, Oliver let out a short breath, his eyes rolling back and his body slumping forwards.
"Sorry, buddy. Guess we're shadowtravelling after all." Elijah stated, grabbing the blue eyed boy's shoulder and Jacqueline's hand before melting back against the shadows of the car created by the stop lights
The three demigods emerged behind the fallen tree and Jacqueline felt her heart beating rapidly against her throat. Now she understood why Oliver never wanted to shadowtravel. It just felt so cold. It was as if you were suspended in the air except, there was no air, nor ground.
Oliver took a minute or two in trying to catch his breath. Jacqueline offered him a piece of ambrosia that she'd taken out of her bag and he accepted it, thankfully but, almost begrudgingly.
"Hey, you okay?" Elijah asked her, squeezing her hand in concern, "You look a bit green."
Jacqueline nodded, letting her breathing calm down, "They have to go. We can't have them be in danger."
"On it." The son of Hades responded, rushing over to the van
The girl then turned over to Oliver. The color on his face seemed to be coming back quickly because of the ambrosia, which she was thankful for.
"You okay?" She asked him, kneeling beside him
The boy seems hesitant. They weren't nice to each other. This was new for him. He opened his mouth but, another roar sounded once again. This time, it was closer.
Oliver shook his head, "I'm fine. You know what that thing is?"
Jacqueline watched as Elijah told the family that the safest place they'd be was far far away from them. The man objected, telling him to get in the car so that he could drive them off. The teenage girl shook her head. They didn't have the time for this.
"It sounds like a lion." She responded, "I doubt it actually is one unless it decided to follow us from Central Zoo."
"Oli, can you..." Elijah tilted his head over at the van
Oliver sighed, shaking his head, "Why can't they just be selfish and run away?"
The son of Hades helped his friend stand up. The next roar they heard had underlying tones of a growl and a snarl. That was most definitely not a lion. It sounded as if it was sniffing them out. The demigods were its prey.
"I'll go distract it." Elijah said, grabbing his Stygian ice sword off of his belt buckle, "Stay with Oliver."
The son of Zeus didn't even bother arguing as he grunted once more. Jacqueline watched as the winds around them picked up and the van began going forwards. It's speed picked up pretty quickly and, in just moments, the van was already miles off.
Oliver collapsed once more and Jacqueline held him in her arms before he could hit his head against the pavement. The girl bit her bottom lip as she kneeled down on the ground, tentatively pulling his hair away from his sweaty forehead. It seemed as if conjuring up those winds took a lot out of him.
"Are you okay?" She asked him as he finally was coming to a few minutes later
"Fine." He muttered in response, getting up from their position on the ground, "Elijah?"
"Probably waiting for us. Think you can get up?"
"I'm not an invalid."
"At least now I know you're okay."
The two demigods followed after the taunts and growls they heard. The highway was empty and was bordered by forestry. Jacqueline didn't even know if a town was nearby for miles to come. For now, she focused herself on the present. She and Oliver had to find Elijah and kill whatever it was that was after them.
Twisting her crystal necklace clockwise once and then counterclockwise twice, Jacqueline smiled softly as she grabbed her bow and arrows. It felt nice to hold her weapon once again.

Flight [Peter Parker] - Book Two of Wealth
FanfictionJacqueline and Peter juggle their relationship and personal conflicts with living miles away from each other. Timeline - Spider-Man: Homecoming Book Two of Wealth