Chapter Sixteen

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Today is the last day of part one of initiation and tomorrow is visiting day. Tonight I'm getting my first tattoo and tomorrow I will see my mother for the first time since the choosing ceremony. I knew she would come because I knew my mother still loved me unlike a lot of transfer's parents. Many families lived by faction before blood, and if their child left, many of them would disown the child because they were not in their faction. To me and my family, it was sickening. My family means everything to me, no matter what faction I'm in and I know it's the same for them.
I'm still seething a little at Four so I stay out of the training room for as long as possible but I have to go in eventually. In a weird turn of events, I'm the last one in the room. I avoid looking at Four who's eyes fall on me as soon as I walk in and instead look at the board.
Will and Myra
Edward and Drew
Christina and Al
Mor and Peter
Tris and Molly
Peter, for some reason I think Four might be a little angry at me too.
"Hey, Mor."
I turn around to look at Tris, "yeah?"
"Do me a favor," she says, a strange, fiery look in her eyes, "make Peter bleed."
I don't have to ask why, the prick has been targeting her since we get here, and she's been pushed over the edge and into the chasm of rage.
I smirk, "gladly."
I sit down on the edge of the room as per usual and watch each fight. Will and Myra go first. It's obvious that Will is going to win but I can tell he's going easy on her. Each fight is predictable. Will, Edward, Chris. But then comes the last two. I feel pretty confident that I can beat Peter, but he's a sadistic bastard and there's no telling what he's willing to do. And then there's Tris and Molly. Molly is bigger, stronger but she's extremely slow. Tris is weaker but not helpless, and the rage she's feeling fuels her. If she plays her cards right, there's no doubt in my mind that she can win.
"Mor and Peter," Eric shouts.
I push myself off the ground and walk into the ring with my face set in stone. Peter stands across from me, his eyes lit up with excitement.
"You should just give up now," he grins, "we all know that the little Flower Child isn't going to hurt anyone."
I glare at him, "you're going to wish I was a peaceful Flower Child."
With my promise to Tris fueling me, I lunge at him, sending my fist into his eye. His head snaps back and the bruise blossoms quickly.
"You bitch," he yells.
I don't let him have time to recover. I kick him in the stomach and send him flying onto the floor.
"Never under estimate your appointment, Peter," I growl.
He gets back on his feet quickly and lunges towards me. His fist connects with my stomach and I grab his arm as I fight the urge to double over in pain. I hold him in place and kick his unprotected side. He stumbles away from me and I punch him in the jaw. He falls on his back and I get on top of him. I promised Tris I would make him bleed and so I will. My fist connects with his nose in a sickening crack and blood pours out. Peter yells but I cut him off with a swift hit to his temple, and then he's out cold.
I get to my feet and walk out of the ring, leaving him there. I catch Four's eyes as I do and he doesn't look happy, he almost looks sad but I don't care, I made a promise and I intended to keep it, whether he likes it our not.
Four has Edward and Will drag Peter to the infirmary. I sit back down in my spot on the edge is the room and Four takes his on the opposite side. I refuse to look at him, but it's hard when he stares me down.
"Tris and Molly," Eric yells.
I glance at Four and our eyes meet. It seems like he's trying to say something through them but I don't want to listen.
I turn back to Tris and Molly. They stand off against each other and Molly says something to her that I don't catch. Molly than throws a punch towards Tris and as she does Tris ducks beneath her arm and hits her in the stomach and then ducks behind her. Her hands are up and ready for Molly's next attempt.
Molly runs at Tris like she's going to tackle her but Tris jumps out of the way. Molly swings at her and Tris blocks it with her forearm. Molly let's out a frustrated groan that sounds animalistic and attempts a sloppy kick at Tris's side but Tris dodges it. While Molly is off balance Tris rushes her and sends her elbow into Molly's face but Molly jerks back and Tris only grazes her chin.
Molly gets a hard punch into Tris's ribs that makes her stumble and have to catch her breath. Tris seems to examine Molly for a second and then she's found the flaws in Molly's fighting style. Tris aims for her stomach and hits her hard, knocking the breath out of Molly. Then, she kicks Molly's legs out from under her and Molly falls to the ground with a loud thump. Tris reels back and kicks her in the ribs.
Molly curls into a ball to protect herself but Tris kicks again, hitting her stomach. Then her face, blood pours from her nose. Then her chest. I've never seen Tris like this and I don't like it.
I send a pleading look to Four and he nods. He walks up to Tris and pulls her back. I don't hear what he tells her or what her answer is but by the look in her eyes, I can tell she's proud of what she's done and she won't let herself feel bad about it.

Later that day I walked into the tattoo parlor, handed a piece of paper to an artist named Tori and laid down in the tattoo chair.

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