Chapter Four

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I wake up after for the first time in forever, having a dream and not a nightmare. I was at uni with my friends. I really hope we all get accepted and that dream becomes a reality.

I hear Anna making breakfast, I should probably get up. I get out of bed "FUCK!" I just remembered I got an extra shift at work today.

I run in the shower, got dressed in my uniform, put my hair in a messy bun. Run down stairs waved at Anna before shoving the toast in my mouth.

"Forgot you have work. Again!" ~ Anna

"Yea, um could you pick me up today so we can get my bike."~ me

"Of course, now go before your late!"

I run out the door, one good thing about a small town is most places are in a walking distance. I get to my work, I work in a small café where most teenagers work. Means I have to work with haft of my classmates. Something I hate about a small town.

Hours pasted of serving up coffees, milkshakes, chips and all this food or drinks I wish I could have myself.

My boss comes out "hey, jasmine come here" ~ Jo

"Yes, Jo" ~ Me

"Are you getting your bike today or tomorrow " ~ Jo

Confused on why he's asking, yea I'm going after work, why? Is something wrong" ~ Me

"No, not at all. If your going today, you can go home early. It's not busy" ~ Jo

I thank him, before grabbing my stuff and running home as fast as my legs can can go. "Anna, Jo let me finish early let's go. I've got your keys, lets go." ~ Me

Anna quickly got up and together we go in the car to drive to the next town over that's bigger then here.

Looking out the window as Anna drives. I remember the first time I knew I wanted a Harley Davidson. It was back when my dad was alive and I was about 8 years old. My dad was the mechanic in town and before he pasted away, I would help him. It was our time together, and I loved every minute of it.

One day going to the next town over so dad could buy some things. I saw this beautiful, black bike and knew one day it was going to be mine. Dad saw me looking at it like it was the best thing I've seen in my whole life.

"If you want that sweetheart, your going to have to work hard. Get a job and earn money." ~ dad

"Why can't you just buy it for me now, that way I don't have to job."~ Me

"That's smart thinking, but then what will that teach you" ~ Dad

Back then I didn't what that meant, but after 8 years of saving. As always my dad was right. I learnt that if you want something you have to work hard for it.

We finally get there and after paying, I get on my dream bike, it feels amazing. Moments like this, I wish my dad was here with me. Mum would have probably would have hated the idea, but knowing how much I loved it. She would have grown to the idea.

I show the salesman my bike license that I got earlier this year and with Anna drinving of in her car. I start the engine. Everyone looks at me but for the first time not like she's looks creepy but with jealousy, with that I push my legs up and ride off.

Riding back home, feeling the wind, I think how tomorrow is the anniversary of the "fire". The day my friendship group of four turned to three. Alexis was our best friend and after the "fire" I took a few weeks off to recover. I was in hospital for weeks and she never visited me. When I come back to school she didn't even talk to me.

I questiond her one time and I still remember the words clearly "why on earth, would you believe I would never be friends with a freak like you" I cried all night that day. We were friends since primary school. I was there for her in her darkest times. That's not even the whole story. That's just the beginning of what happened between us.

I went though hell, I had to lean how to eat, walk and basically I was like a baby. The worst part was trying to clean myself. Every time I had a shower the pain was unbearable. Still is to this day but I'm used to it now.

I pull up to Anna's house, my house and walk in the door, I talk to Anna about how amazing it was before going upstairs to my bedroom. I get changed into my P.J's, texted Santana and Frayea for hours before my eye lids become to heavy to stay awake. I say goodnight, put my phone on my bedside Table and lay my head on my poilow.

I wake up to Anna yelling "JASMINE, GET UP". I get up fast and look out my window to see something I've never hoped for. The witches have return....


Today's the anniversary and the witches have returned. We have found out more about what happened between Alexis and Jasmine but what else is there to the story? Whats the truth Lilith wants me to know so badly?

Find out in the next chapters....

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