Chapter Six

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Lilith, turned back to her witches and with a leader tone in her voice. "Now its time for what I've trained you for." Suddenly all the witches hold hands and starting whispering the flowing on repeat. "We the witches, daughters of the devil. Make the one and only write a letter, in her hand writing. Write Sorry Anna, I'm going away for the weekend. I will be back by Monday. Don't worry".

When the witches finished speaking, they watched as Jasmine still blacked out grab a pen and paper. She slowly writes what the witches spell told her.

After Jasmine was done writing, Lilith again turned to her follow witches. "NOW!". The witches all take deep breath before casting another spell "We the witches, daughters of the devil. Let the rules of Gravity be broken. Able this girl to float above the ground, floating in the air."

Lilith, Noire, Carrie watch as Jasmine feet left ground and floats up. Noire and Carrie and grab their brooms that were next to them, fly towards Jasmine and together holding one harm each look at Lilith.

"I know your all tried and I'm proud of each and everyone. Let's go home and then we can rest." Lilith saids looking at how all her witches looked exhausted. They left their legs above the ground and fly towards there home. The cave.

Hours later, Jasmine wakes up (now going back to Jasmines point of view)

I open my eyes, I look around Shivering. I've never been thus scared for my self apart from three years ago. where I am. Getting up slowly because my head hurts. Trying to find I way out, there's no holes or any way out. Only a prison door with a lock. All I need is the key and from them and then I can try and get out of this freezing place.

I feel my pockets, trying to find my phone. The person who took me must have taken my phone. I walk towards the gate door, putting my fingers in between the gaps. I yell out "HELLO! SOMEONE!" Time went on and no one came.

I walk over to the corner, sitting back down and rolling myself in a little ball. Trying to keep warm. I've never felt so alone in my life.

It must have been hours or maybe a few minutes. I have no idea, Why is no one coming. Even prisoners have police officers coming around every so often.

I hear footsteps coming down towards me and I get up. Walk to the gate and see a face I'd never in a million years, thought I would see. Alexis.

With my mouth literally half open, why is she here. She could see that I was lost for words. Alexis speaks in a charming voice. "hey jasmine. I know you must be confused. I didn't want to come but my mother made me". She looks at me as in say something Jasmine.

I look at her. "Who's your mother and WHY THE FUCK DID YOU TAKE ME YOU BITCH" I yell with having a thousand questions I NEEDED answered.

She takes a deep breath and starts speaking. "My mother is Lilith. The leader of all witches. I know about this world because as you know my mother died while my dad was still around. My mother never died. After giving birth to me. Haft human haft witch, my mother had to leave. My dad then raised me. Yes I knew about their plans are to do with you. Before you ask why didn't I tell you. Before the "fire". My mother finally reached out to me, telling me everything. I told her, no because back then we were still friends. She told me after the accident I must stay away from you. The only way I could that was by being a bitch to you. When l came back to school seeing what my mother and her other witches did to you. I was mad but I knew I will punished if I didn't do as my mother said. Those words I said to when your asked me why I didn't see you in the hospital. It hurt me saying them and I cried the rest of the night. I'm only telling you this now, because you know everything that my mother wanted to hide from you. She knew if we stayed friends. I would've told you the whole plans."

Before I could even think about what she had just told me. The two witches that seems to be next to Lilith all the time, came in and looked at Alexis to introduce me to them. Alexis looks at me saying "this is Noire and Carrie".

Noire and Carrie whispers to Alexis and after they finish saying what they wanted. They leave, the only part I heard was. "They are waiting and are ready for part three". All I could think think of what could be next. Part one and two are painful enough. Why couldn't I be normal. Like my friends. Wait my friends are probably worried about sick me. I need them more then ever right now.

Alexis has a sad face and turns back to me after Noire and Carrie leave. "I'm sorry". She gets the keys out of pocket and before opening the door. Saids a spell. "I Alexis, stop all brain signals of wish's to move stop. Only I the power to control her."  I again blacked out AGAIN. I'm tired of blacking out.

I wake up, in the centre of must be all witches, there's less I remember. All holding hand and by now, I know that means. They are about to do a spell.

Lilith comes out and yells out "we have after thousands and thousands of years. FINALLY done what our devil asked of us. We have the only and only jasmine in the centre of this enchanted cave. That he created for us after mankind tried to kill us of. LETS BEGIN!"

As loud as my voice could probably go. "BEGIN, WHAT! YOU KNOW I NEVER WANTED ANY OF THIS SHIT. LET ME GO!!!!"

Lilith turns around and before returning back to join up the last of the circle. "I'm sorry child, didn't we warn you that after tonight you would become a witch. We are just awakening your scars and your blood to turn from human to a witch. Now this might hurt just a bit."


The witches are turning Jasmine into a witch. They said this is plan three. Is there more plans and what are they. We finally know now what happened with Alexis and Jasmine. She said I'm sorry, does she regret what she did to Jasmine. Why?

Thank you for all the reads. I never thought my story would get this much.. WOW. This chapter is about 1130 words. For those who like longer chapters here you go!

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