Chapter 3

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Fear grips my every limb as I bolt into the clearing and head straight to the little prisoner.  Trying not to sound completely freaked out when I arrive, I whisper to the boy, "Hey kid.'s me...the one who was calling out to you."

He looks up and stares at me blankly, then tilts his head and says softly, "Mackenzie?"

"Yeah.  That's me," I reply, startled he knows my name.  "Listen.  Everything is going to be okay.  It's Vinny, right?"

He nods. 

"What a coincidence.  I just happen to know a very brave kid named Vinny."  I leave out the part that my Vinny is also a moronically stupid, adrenaline junkie who intentionally tempts fate on a daily basis.  "Are you a brave Vinny, too?" 

He stands and walks toward me.  A confused expression overcomes his blotchy little face. "Where's my mom and dad?"    

Stifling the urge to reach through the cage and shake some sense into the kid, I do my best to control my tone. "Look, I really don't have time to explain this to you, but those aren't your parents.  They're...well.  Never mind that.  Let's get you out of here and back down the mountain, okay?  Now, do you know where the key is?"

He sniffs and takes a deep breath, then points up to a tarnished silver object dangling high on a branch over the cage.

"Right," I mumble.  "I can do this."  Considering the wall of terror I just climbed, this should be a breeze.  I scale over the cage, into the tree, and out onto the limb, when suddenly, the thumping of downed trees stops.  That may not be a good sign. I need to move faster.  Key in hand, I'm too far up to jump down, not without blowing out a knee.  

"Hey, Vinny, think you can try and to get yourself out if I drop this into the cage?"  I whisper.   

He stammers to a spot directly under me and holds out his hands.  I toss the metal piece in his direction and the moment he catches it, he rushes to the front door.  For someone his age, I'm amazed at how easily he maneuvers the key and unlatches the padlock.  Once he yanks the chains off, he pushes the gate open.  As soon as he's free, he turns back and gazes up at me. The ground starts to shake again and this time it's coming toward us.

"Hurry.  Head that way into the bushes. I'll be right behind you," I say, pointing toward my original hiding spot. But to my complete surprise, the boy takes off in the opposite direction.  "No! Kid!" I cry out.  "That's the wrong way!"  I'm too late.  Instead of running away from the thundering sounds of Asher and Oafish, he disappears into the thicket that houses the bizarre creatures.

I drop down from the tree limb and onto the roof of the prison cell.  No longer as concerned for me my knees, I hurdle onto the ground. The distance is enough to cause me to roll across the earth from the momentum, but no bones seem to be broken.  I jump to my feet and try to bolt out of the spotlight.  Before I can even think I have a chance to escape, the two beasts easily manage to surround me.    

Pitched on his hip a like doting parent, Asher cradles Vinny and caresses the innocent kid's cheek with one of his beastly claws. "You did very well to come find us, Vinny. Maybe you're not as worthless as I thought.  So, is this girl responsible for your release?"

"Yes, Pop.  She's very nice," the boy says, his once tear-filled, red eyes now gleam a bright blue.

"Yes, very nice indeed." Asher's jet black eyes set in on me.  "And who do we have here?"  His voice dances to the tune of pure evil.

Oafish springs forward, his cuts seeping with black, putrid ooze.  "She's mine," he says, standing between Asher and me.  

"Now, now.  Not in front of our guest," Asher replies.  He gently places Vinny back into the cage. "You stay here, son.  Let mommy and I tend to our new guest."  Vinny darts to the back and assumes his curled up position.  Asher locks the gate, grabs Oafish by the mane and yanks him backward, sending him into a squawking frenzy.   Asher holds his clenched fist. The warning works this time and Oafish cowers lower.

Stepping slowly away, I spy a long, thick stick.  Before I know it, I'm clumsily wielding my weapon. "Stay back!"         

My valiant efforts give them a good laugh.  "Ah, you're a feisty one," Asher says chuckling.  "I could use one like you.  Come now, what shall we call you?"

"Just—just give me the boy." Forcing myself to sound undaunted, I wave the stick back and forth, noticing there's peculiar etching along the sides.  The rounded top has a distinctive marking carved into it.  

"Oh, dear sweet girl.  We couldn't do that.  You see, as his parents, we are just making sure he's being safe.  Our little Vinny can sometimes wander off and we couldn't let him get hurt," says Asher.  

"P-Parents? Look.  I don't know what kind of weird drugs you have that kid on, but you're obviously not his father."  I raise the stick up higher as if I'm a match for the duo.  "What is it you want? H-H-How about some nice, juicy steaks?  I can get you as much as you want.  One with bones you can chew on if that's your thing."  It's all I can think to offer.

"A juicy steak, eh?  Who are you, my sweet thing?" Asher says, easing toward me.

"Asher.  Wait.  I think she can see you...and she carries a staff. You know what that means, don't you?" Oafish says.

Asher snaps his head around and says, "Of course I do, you imbecile. But we can't be so certain." His eyes transfixed on mine. "They never show up alone.  It's doubtful she is one."

"Where did you come from?" Oafish asks, his speech pressured.  Edgier.

"Me? I-I was just in the valley when I heard—"

"The valley?"  Oafish says.  "The valley of Baka?" He practically trips over himself backing away from me.

"Wait. What? No. At least I...I...I don't think so."    

"Relax, Oafish. You're going to scare her.  Remember.  All we need is a name.  It doesn't appear anyone's claimed her yet.  No need to frighten the poor girl," Asher says calmly.

"Frighten me?  I'm sure you two don't need to resort to something so drastic. Besides, any minute now, this place is going to be crawling with people looking for both the kid and me," I say, mustering up the confidence to sound convincing.  "Look, I promise I'll never tell anyone what I saw today or what kind of creatures live up here.  No one ever comes through these parts anyway.  Your secret's safe with me."

"She does see!  She knows!" says Oafish so loud I have to block my ears from the piercing sound. 

Both giants spin around, scoping the surrounding area, squatting lower, bowing their chests and flexing their meaty hands to fully extend their spiked fingertips.       

Losing his sultry tone, Asher leers toward me. "Where are the others?" 

Panicked, I accidentally drop my weapon. "That's right.  Everyone knows I'm out here.  They'll come looking for me if I'm not back soon."  I deepen my voice and give them my fiercest grimace.  "So I suggest you hand over the boy and let us be on our way."  

He slithers his way closer, digging his pawed hindleg into the stick I dropped.  He flings it across the open space behind him. "Oafish, I think she is alone.  And no trace of her Shillelagh." 

Oafish is closing in on me, too.  "No Shillelagh?  Has that ever happened?" 

"Never heard of such a thing," Asher replies.  "But I don't think she knows what she is.  Maybe no one knows about her.  Yet."

"Wow. She has no idea who she is?" Oafish says, flicking my hair with his dagger digits.  "Have we hit the jackpot? Let's take her to Grizzle now.  We can't lose her."   

Asher responds with a heavy moan. "Oh, yes. Imagine the reward.  I'm betting she'd be worth even more than a doublehorn's bounty.  If Grizzle can present her to Monger Egolara, he'd owe us bigtime. I could end up running half of Athazagora." 

"Shows up without a Shillelagh.  Has no idea who she is.  Oh yeah.  She's as good as ours. I can picture it now. Heee, Heee, Heee!" Oafish rubs his hands together.  "She is going to make me rich. I could fly again...without you!"  He embraces Asher and together they skip in circles, their giggles laced with sinister motives.

"Excuse me, but you must be confused. I don't know anything about a Shillelagh."  They ignore me. "And I certainly know who I am.  My name is—"

Before I can finish, a hand comes around from behind me, sealing my mouth shut.

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