Chapter 23

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In all the controversy surrounding the horrible Art History Class, no one ever mentioned Mr. Potato Heads. 

"The first person to raise her answer in the air will get eight points, right or wrong, no matter what. Raise hand to demonstrate to the class what you mean." Ms. Eunice pauses abruptly and drops her head. "Oh my, I do this every time. I apologize, girls. I wasn't supposed to read that part. I'm actually supposed to show you." She laughs awkwardly. "May I?" she says to Ashley, the red headed freckle-faced girl, before plucking a pink ear off her Mr. Potato Head and raising it high. "If you believe the answer is ear, then answer like this."

She returns the ear and continues reading from the card. "If you are first to raise the correct answer, you will get an additional seven points, for a total of fifteen. If you were not first to answer, that's okay because those who correctly answer the question will earn two points."

Christina tilts her head. "Just so I understand, you're going to ask some questions and we will use Mr. Potato Head's accessories to answer them?"

"Girl, you're the only one I know who would call these things accessories," says Monique, sitting in front of me, holding her plastic red mouthpiece.

Christina whisks around and smiles back at her. "Well, that's what they are, Monique." She purses her lips and puts her own Mr. Potato Head lips to hers.

Monique rolls her eyes then asks, "Excuse me, Ms. Eunice, but would it be alright if we helped each other? Because as Mr. Peter pointed out, clearly some of us are gonna need all the help we can get, eh hem."

"Why, that's an excellent question, Monique," Ms. Eunice says. "Once you have been assigned a team, you will definitely be able to consult one another.  Or perhaps you would rather go it alone.  Either way, we will calculate all answers for your team's total score for each question."

"Alright then," Ms. Lois interjects, in a no nonsense sort of way. "Our time is growing shorter. Any other questions?"    

Someone three rows over raises her hand. "So regardless, if I answer correctly, everyone on my team will get my points, too?  Even if they don't get the right answers?"

"Yes, Bridget, dear. That is correct.  Isn't that grand?" Tucking her cue card into her shirt pocket, Ms. Eunice claps her hands. "Let's get you girls on teams!"

The Doublehorns.  That's my weirdly named team consisting of seven players, including Monique, Bridget from three rows over and Elizabeth Clark, who is about as chatty as my Mr. Potato Head.   They rearranged our class in Family Feud style with our team lined in a row on one side facing the remaining seven students on the other.  Ms. Eunice, our host, is in the middle and wide eyed.  

Mrs. Jordan calls the class back to order. "Team Doublehorns. Team Eagles. Are you ready?"

"You know it!" Christina slings her arm around Courtnee. "They're going down, right Cous?" she says, staring at Monique.

Monique cowers and says just loud enough for us to hear, "Best friend or not, you guys have to help me demolish her." Layered, shoulder length hair feather back perfectly around an oval brown face, her thickly lashed eyes dance.  She heckles back, "You better watch out, Chrissy. I have a feeling this may hurt a little. Should I apologize now for how embarrassing this will be for you?"

"Oh, wonderful. I just love a good match," says Ms. Eunice. She spreads a stack of playing cards in her hands and Mr. Jordan picks one at random.  "First question, girls."  She reviews the card he hands her.  "Oh, yes, good one. Remember, all accessories must stay attached until I've finished reading the question. First in the air with their answer automatically earns eight points. All correct choices earn two points. If you're first and have the correct answer, that would be—"

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