With kaddydee

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Next, we have the lovely kaddydee!

Her story can be found here.

What inspired you to write your short story "Float"?

I wrote a paragraph for my story, 'Listening to Lucas' but it didn't quite fit the story. I was so proud of that single paragraph that I set it aside, trying to fit it into other stories but I couldn't find the perfect match. It was too romantic for LtL, and too idealistic for the Elysian short stories. I realized that it wouldn't fit into any story because the paragraph spoke volumes about the mirror between religion and love. It touched upon how religion is devotion to God in the same way that love is devotion to a person. So I gave up finding a perfect fit for the paragraph and gave it its own story.

This was such a beautiful short piece! What made you think of adding a Valentine's dance in this story, along with the costume ideas?

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Float was my entry to two competitions. One of them was the TayGetsTheGay Valentine one-shot competition, which was why I included the Valentine's dance.

Do you have a favorite part in your book that you would like to share?

As I mentioned earlier, there was one paragraph that sat in my works for half a year before I decided to give it its own story.

"He's a cathedral, I think quietly. I think with my lips, exploring the world he helped me construct tonight. My chest caves upwards like a dome and all the love I have for him shines through the glass panels encasing my heart. My insides are bathed in a red glow that burns brighter when he whispers my name into my mouth. I pray for us. I pray that the stars will continue to align themselves for us and that we'll have many more tomorrows."

Do you write any other short stories or are you planning to write one?

I've just started a seven-part short story called 'Catching Feelings'. It's centered on the lives of seven teenagers who live in Lagos and I'm going to explore seven different faces to love. e.g. unrequited love, same-sex love, crushes, etc.

What do you like best about writing on the Wattpad Site?

I love the confidence Wattpad gives to budding, young writers. There is no way that I would have written anything I've posted today if I hadn't come across Wattpad, and I've made life-long friends on here. I'm happy to be part of such a thriving, supportive community.

Kaddydee would also like to give a shout out to everyone who has ever supported her. According to her, they've shaped her perspective on writing and have offered her sincere, honest advice when she needed it most.


And thank you kaddydee for being a patient follower! We appreciate you for taking your time to send us your interview!

~~ The Coffee Community

Feb. 2016 Interview

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