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Emily's POVI was sitting in the Cortex working on the many files Dr

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Emily's POV
I was sitting in the Cortex working on the many files Dr.Wells wanted me to go over as his head of legal. I started to get extremely bored but was relieved when Joe and Barry walked in, I stopped working and joined in on their conversation.
"Fascinating a meta human that can manipulate poison gas." Dr. Wells said extremely interested in the new case that we received. Cisco Caitlyn and dr. Wells were bouncing off scientific ideas off one another all very hype about the new meta. While Barry joe and I stood there shrugging our shoulders.
"They get really excited about this stuff." Barry said turning towards Joe and I as we both nodded.
"The only thing I'm excited about is putting criminals behind bars except Iron Heights isn't exactly equip to handle meta humans." Joe looked very concerned.
"Then I guess it's fortunate that the ones we encountered so far are no longer with us." Dr. Wells stated emotionless. Thus starting a discussion on how our team is going to be handling future meta humans. "A meta human prison... sweet." Cisco said nodding his head. As they continued their discussion on where they would place the meta humans when captured I started thinking. I thought of the prison Oliver was held at for 5 years in the North China sea.. however that's too far and who would watch over them? Another thought crossed my mind... the particle accelerator. I coughed slightly and spoke up.."there is one place here ...that might hold them" I said with a nervous smile as everyone looked at me.
"You can't be serious.. we haven't been down there since.. it's cordoned off!" Caitlyn said holding back her tears.
"Emily is right. It can be modified into a make shift prison." Dr. Wells said looking proud.
"What could?" Barry was clearly confused as to what we were talking about.
"The particle accelerator." Wells looked at Barry as the whole room grew quiet.
Dr. Wells and Cisco went down to the particle accelerator, Barry and Caitlyn were identifying the gas. While I was sitting there once again feeling useless. I had finished all the legal papers and grew bored so I decided to head out to the mall.
(At the mall)
I was walking around with a shopping bag thinking about my life and how much it changed. I looked up and saw a familiar face. It was a family friend, judge Howard she helped me get into law school when she was in Starling City. As soon as she saw me she hung up the phone and walked over to me.. "Miss Emily Queen, what are you doing in Central City?" We walked and talked as I told her about my big move and she told me about her job and daughter. We walked in the elevator and just when it was about to close a bald headed man in a black suit pushes it open walking in. He was staring at judge Howard with dark eyes.. I backed up into the corner pulling out my phone. The first number that I clicked happened to be Dr. Wells and I didn't even notice.
He answered
Hello Miss Queen
Harrison Wells POV
Cisco and I were sitting in the Cortex figuring out ways to turn the Particle accelerator into the make shift prison when Emily called. "Hello Miss Queen" I said into the phone. All I heard in response was a mans voice "Judge Howard, it's nice to see you again." I put the phone on speaker so Cisco could hear what was going on.. "You died" we heard a women say. Cisco and I looked at each other with worried expressions. The man continued to talk, it was hard to make out anything. "OH MY GOD" Emily screamed, we heard the phone drop. "EMILY.. EMILY ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!" I screamed into the phone. Cisco was biting his nails worried and he immediately dialed Barry. My heart was racing, I knew I shouldn't have started anything with Emily. I cared for her a lot but I couldn't have her mess up my plan. I was so worried I didn't want her to get hurt let alone die. I heard choking and crying "Emily please answer" I said choking on my words. The phone cut off. "DAMNIT" I yell.
Emily's POV
I screamed as the man turned into a green cloud suffocating judge Howard. I held my breath covering my nose and mouth with my jacket. I refused to breathe causing me to become dizzy I slid down falling to the floor, as I watched my friend die right in front of me. Tears were streaming down my face, I needed to breathe but I refused..soon darkness consumed me.

Barry's POV
"EMILY!" I screamed looking at my best friend laying unconscious in the elevator.. I bent down and checked the other women's pulse. She was dead. I looked over at Em and saw her chest rising and falling. Thank god she was still alive. I picked up Em and ran back to STAR Labs dropping her off so Caitlyn can fix her, I ran back to the mall hoping to catch the meta.

Dr.Wells POV
Barry rushed in holding an unconscious Emily in his arms he dropped her off on the bed and ran back to the mall. I rolled over to her as Caitlyn frantically checked her vitals. "Dr. Wells there's no detection of poison in her lungs or system." Caitlyn said shocked. I looked down at Emily's face, she was so beautiful and smart. I was so proud of her quick thinking I smiled and stared at Caitlyn "she didn't breathe him in, she blocked all her airways.. she just needs oxygen and water." Caitlyn sighed in relief as did I. Caitlyn gathered the equipment while I stayed looking at Emily, I reached up and put a strand of her hair behind her ear. "That's my girl." I rolled back into the Cortex to assist Cisco with Barry.

Emily's POV
My head was pounding as my eyes fluttered open. I took a deep breathe and looked around and saw I was at star labs. Last thing I remember I was at the mall. Then it all came flooding back to me, tears immediately started as I remembered the look on judge Howard's face when she was dying. Cisco ran in "Dr. Wells she's awake!" Cisco walked over to me putting his hand on my shoulder, "Em your ok, Barry saved you." I swallowed hard and looked at ciscos worried eyes, "he didn't save judge Howard."
Dr. Wells rolled in "Emily Queen if I lost you I don't know what would have happened..." he admitted I sat up with wide eyes. I knew that this was the start of something new.. "I like you Dr. Wells... I admire you, please now that I'm admitting this I hope it doesn't make this..I mean ...uh work place awkward." I was rambling he looked shocked and relaxed then rolled out. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and face palmed myself for being so stupid to even think he felt the same way and to admit it as soon as I woke up!

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