Chapter 11

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Chapter 11: Memories of the Truth

Kaito's POV:

Well, I was where I should have found myself in the beginning. In a cell at Kohona T&I. The two ANBU that had caught me, easily subdued me, although it wasn't like I put up a fight. I let them bring me here, with the promise of going before the Hokage when the sun rose. On the way down here, I noticed a few of the cells contained some of the shinobi's that were in Master Riku and Aimi's group. They looked terrible, some even looking at the wall with a blank look in their eyes. I imagine that, that will be me soon. Even though I only recently started trying to get to know Kakashi and his pack, I felt ashamed that I had only been here a short time and already I had disappointed him. Then my thoughts went to Master Riku. I hope he got away. I don't know why I wanted him to get away. I just wasn't ready to see him be brought to justice yet.

I went over to the water bowl they had laid out for me, taking a quick drink, sometimes I wished I could get myself some good saki, it seemed to help other forget their troubles, maybe it would help me too. After a few minutes I couldn't stop the yawn that escaped me and began looking around the cell I was in, deciding it was best that I get some sleep. Might as well get all the rest I can get before pain starts becoming my companion. They even took the hitai-ate away from me. I guess I was in that much trouble. I crawled underneath the blankets of the cot on the floor and closed my eyes.

'Are you okay?' Heki asked.

"No." I answered, refusing to open my eyes. It was just a phantom from my memories. He's not real. He's dead. I found it irritating how often I had to remind myself of this.

'Are you mad at me.'

"Why should I be?" I countered.

'You and I both know that answer Kaito.'

I cracked open my eye and looked at the faceless boy that sat cross legged in front of me. "Your not even here. So be quiet." I snapped, not in the mood.

'There is a reason why I am still with you.'

"Yeah, your here because Riku and Aimi managed to break what was left of my sanity." I huffed, reclosing my eyes.

'Silly Kaito. Let us play one more time.' Heki said, cheerfully as ever.

I growled and sat up quickly. "No, I will not play with you. Heki you are not here. Your in my head. You have been dead for years. Why do you insist on haunting me?" I snapped.

He brought his hands up rubbing eyes that weren't even there. 'I knew it! You are mad at me. Kaito, I said I was sorry. I'm working very hard to fix it. Please forgive me!' He cried.

I looked around half expecting someone to hear him, before I reminded myself he was only a figment of my imagination. "Stop that now. I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at myself." I admitted.

He sniffled and even without a face I knew he had stopped crying. 'Promise Kaito. Promise, no matter how long it take, you won't lose hope!' He begged.

I huffed, but nodded my head once. "I promise." The next time I blinked he was gone. I remember that promise Heki had been working very hard to keep it. But that did matter anymore, now I just wished I could stop conjuring up his ghost. I sighed as I laid back down. "Maybe I just like torturing myself." I mumbled mostly to myself, closing my eye for what seemed like the thousandth time and let myself find sleep.

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