In a Galaxy far far away...

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                             It is thirteen years before Kylo Ren joins the First Order

          Brendol Hux has been summoned by the Supreme Leader to discuss some attack plans.

??? POV

"Come, come, child. Don't be shy! Say hello to our new friend!" I said.

My little one year old girl poked her tiny curly haired head out from behind my chair. 

"Hello, sir" She said in her squeaky little voice. She then ran out from her hiding spot. The sound of her bare feet hitting the hard floor echoed. The little one proceeded to climb onto my lap, burying her head into my chest, thrusting her hand out, summoning her favorite stuffed animal. It glided into her tiny arms. Everything about her was small.

Stroking her dark, soft, little curls, she slept at my command. The night before she had terrors of a strange man killing me with a lightsaber. All night she worried that someone would kill her daddy, so she stayed awake watching over me, not letting me to put her to sleep.

My poor little girl. She was surprisingly strong with the Force, but was only able to control some aspects of it.

"I was not aware you had a child" The General spoke.

"Yes. I found her when she was a couple months old." I replied as I looked into the childs' colorful, bright dreams.

"She's very beautiful"

"Indeed, and powerful. She will be a great asset to the First order"

"With your guidance, she surely will"

I nodded. My daughter will be the most powerful woman in the galaxy.

"You are dismissed, General Hux" I said.

"Yes, Supreme Leader Snoke". Brendol saluted me and left.

Sighing, I scooped up the child in my arms and went to our living quarters. Placing her in her bed, she let out a small whimper. For a second, her eyelids fluttered open, showing me the vibrant green eyes, before closing them.

For a child, she was stunningly beautiful. Every soul in the Galaxy will know of her beauty. Her power. Her name, Viccmortia Snoke.

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