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II. Prophase

If interphase is the preparation of the people, prophase can be defined as the preparation of the event.

Also, it is the longest one of all the phases because building the right scene in the right place and the right time is the most difficult thing to do. So it's the same in a relationship, first it needs to be developed.

Zhen Wang couldn't sleep all night, simply because the next day she had her flight to London. She was still struggling with believing that she was actually going to her dream city. She was so worried that an obstacle would tear her dream apart - but this wasn't the only reason she couldn't sleep.

Also because she was too happy and excited. Her body was literally dancing: her enthusiastic heart beating wildly against her chest and proving the quote "Hearts are wild creatures, that's why our ribs are cages."

totally accurate. Because at that moment, she didn't know how she'd keep her heart in place if her ribcage didn't. She was sweating and trembling hard and even though it wasn't that hot outside, she felt like she was burning in fire.

She thought of the stuff she had placed inside of her luggage: a few t-shirts and some hoodies, - because London was much cooler than where she lived - jeans, two pairs of sneakers, sunglasses, the tools and make-up that she needed and two books. She was actually quite a bookworm but she wanted to spend her time breathing and exploring London instead of reading her books. But still, she might read some at nights.

She sighed with relief, after thinking she was done, and she reminded herself that things would be great. Because she worked too hard to be where she was right now. She sacrificed many things just to afford the ticket and the vacation. She really deserved it. Nothing could go wrong.

Meanwhile, Feodor Vasilyev was drinking his beer, a secret grin formed on his thin lips as he was looking through the e-mails coming from other companies. He couldn't believe that he wouldn't be looking at this crap anymore in less than a few hours because of his flight to London. It was still afternoon there, unlike at Zhen's, and his flight was at seven.

He gathered, actually told maids to gather stuff for himself, some clothes and the necessary things. He wanted to be at the airport at that moment, sitting and waiting for his flight. But he reminded himself that for now he should be focused on the screen, the messy e-mails, and not his magnificent two weeks in London.

Suddenly, his father came in without a knock bringing two secretaries behind himself. Feodor's heart skipped a beat, because of the horror of being so busy with his work that he might miss his flight - or worse, that his father changed his mind.

He was 20, he needed to be independent and make the decisions himself but life was never that easy. He was uneducated and the only place he'd be working was their company. He earned money there and he never felt the need to be frugal before. He had nothing if his last name left him alone.

Sometimes, he believed his father all of this onpurpose. One day, when he wasn't able to run the company himself, he wanted an heir and Feodor was his only son. He needed to make him take the control somehow and this was the way he'd chosen for his son. He was so selfish, Feodor assumed, and he considered a son as a toy and machine he could use whenever.

Feodor didn't want to be a toy but he had to. He didn't want to be a Vasilyev, either, he could be just Feodor.

It was the moment he decided that he was going to be Feodor in London. He was going to be everyone else. He was going to explore, read and speak. . .maybe make new friends. He was going to spend his holiday to make it last.

MitosisOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora