Part 13

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Arabella's POV

I must have heard wrong, yeah, that's it. I turn my head back around, only for my dismissive thoughts to be countered again.

"No Harry baby don't say that, you know I love you, it was a mistake and he came onto me, please baby."

"I've forgiven you so many times before, for the exact same thing. Cheating isn't a mistake, yet I seem to have forgiven you for it plenty times before, but I can't this time. We're over Chloe." He says walking  through the party to go outside.

I didn't know if it was the best idea to go after him, assuming he probably wanted some space, but after a while I decided to go outside after standing in the middle of the party looking lost.

I walk outside seeing Harry sitting on the porch with his head in his hands. I walk up to him and sit down, trying not to disturb him but as soon as I sit down he looks up at me.


"Hey." He whispers back, rubbing his hand over his face.

"Are you alright." I asked.

Wow Arabella, I'm speechless, like you seriously asked the most stupid question you could ask, because he just ended his relationship and he definitely wasn't okay.

"Not exactly, I'll get over it I guess. I-I just don't understand why I stuck with her for s-so long, especially after the last time she did this. I-" He says, hanging his head back down not being able to say anything more.

"Don't put yourself down, love makes people do crazy things."

"I guess so." He says softly wiping his face once again, which made me  assume he was crying but still trying to hide from me.

There was a silence that surrounded us after that. Not an awkward silence, just a comforting one, hopefully.

I couldn't find the right words, so instead I just rested my head on his shoulder to show him that I was still there for him.

Curse myself for being the most awkward person alive.

"Thank you."

"No need to thank me, I barely did anything."

"Well that nothing meant something to me. So again, thanks." He says slowly making me smile slightly.

"Um, it's okay if you don't want to, but how about we go get some ice cream, best remedy to a broken heart.." I say lifting up my head up off his shoulder and turning to looking at him.

"Um yeah, that sounds good I guess." He says giving off a soft, sad chuckle.

I stand up and put out my hand to help Harry up. On the way to the car, I sent my friends a message  that they mustn't worry about me because I was leaving.

We wait at his car,  for him to find the car keys in his pocket. He takes them out and unlocks the car. He walks towards me and he opens my door again for me. He is honestly way too sweet.

"You're quite the gentlemen Styles." After closing my door he walks round and gets into the car before starting the ignition.

"So do you have any place in mind?" He asks pulling out of the parking lot and onto the main road.

"How about the diner? Only if it suits you though."

"Umm yeah that's cool." He replied, still focusing on the road.

The rest of the car ride was understandably silent with the soft tunes of the radio playing in the background.

Honestly I didn't know if he wanted me to speak and have me bother him the whole time so I just decided to stay quiet for a while.

Soon enough we arrived at the diner and after Harry parked the car, we walked inside and sat in a small booth. Considering the time of night it was, the diner wasn't very busy, however there were still the few odd people here and there inside.

"Hello darlings." An older lady came up to us handing us menus, giving us a warm and friendly smile."Is there anything I could get you, or would you like five minutes?"

"May I please have a double thick strawberry milkshake." I said smiling up at the lady, while she nodded writing it down.

"How about you darling?" She asked turning to Harry.

"Um, May I please have a double scoop ice cream, mint chocolate and cookie dough chip." He says giving her a small smile, allowing me to noticeably see that he is still upset.

"Sounds delicious!"  I say smiling.

"Mmh it is." He says back.

The lady left to go place our orders, only for her to come back ten minutes later.

"Here you go, enjoy." She said, handing harry his ice cream cone and placing my delicious milkshake in front of me.

As I took a sip of my milkshake, I was desperately trying to think of something to say so we could have a conversation.

"Harry, can I smell your ice cream?" I say smiling, showing my dimples, causing him to burst out laughing.

"Belle, ice cream doesn't have a smell." He says chuckling, well at least he's laughing.

"I promise you it does, smell." I tell him.

He lifts the ice-cream up to his nose and I take the chance to slowly slip my hand under his and knock it up, causing the ice cream to smear across his nose.

I took my hand away quickly, placing it in my lap and smiling innocently, but a few seconds later we were both laughing hysterically.

I leaned forward a bit, taking my finger and swiping the ice cream off his nose and put it into my mouth.

"Guess you were right, it definitely is delicious." I say smiling as he flashes his beautiful smile back at me.

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