Chapter 7

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"This is a dangerous situation, m'lady."

Kastanie Selbourne listened to his explanation of the day's events, clad once again in her evening gown. To his great relief, she did not bring up his past breach of propriety but lent her ear with what he recognized as her customary solemnity.

"You think it will come to a that?" She asked, her voice quiet. Thoughtful. "Surely they'd not slaughter their own relatives and neighbors."

"I have been witness to riots and lynchings in the past," Krow said grimly. "They are never governed by any sense of rationality or reason. Today the unrest reached a boiling point. Your people are terrified by a danger they can do nothing to control, and they suspect the healer in charge of treachery."

She sat in silence for a time with a look of utter concentration on her face. "Is there any truth to it? Could the spread be stopped through...extermination?"

"The last of my patients are recovering," Krow assured her. "By tomorrow all should be beyond the stage of contagion. The plague is over, if the people could but realize it."

"But they'll not take the word of an orc," she finished for him. Her brow furrowed. "Never fear, Krow. I will spread the word myself, along with the rest of my household."

"That is a risky idea, m'lady," Krow cautioned. "The situation is volatile. There is no telling where blame will be assigned next, but authorities are always prime targets. It would be best if you stayed out of sight."

"Then at least allow Jory to talk to them," she conceded. "He is well respected in the village."

"I've spoken to him." He shook his head. "I fear he does not trust me either. His thoughts may conform with the other's."

"It does not matter what he believes," she said with a voice both dismissive and steely. "He is sworn to House Selbourne, and he will do as I command."

"As you say, m'lady."

"I will send him to stand watch along the path to the plague cottage tonight," she said, giving him a sad smile. "Get some rest while you can."

He turned to go.

"Krow," she called suddenly. She stood, struggling with some word or thought. Indecision and an expression of...pain, perhaps, flickered across her lovely countenance. "You may need to leave soon."

He watched her silently.

"You swore you'd not get involved," she continued. The rushed delivery of her words surprised him. She pressed her hands to her stomach, as if to keep them still. "You swore you'd leave. That you would not come to harm because of me."

"I did," he agreed, then gave a slight bow. "M'lady." He turned on his heel, leaving her standing amidst the dying firelight.

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