Bianca's Daughter

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"We need to talk,"Mom says, her voice breaking. 

"Okay,"I say, letting her into the house. My younger brother, Anthony, followed her, a somewhat confused expression on his face. Dad came in last, holding a white bundle. The only one missing was my older sister, Bianca.

I went into the Master bedroom to get my husband, Joel, while my family got settled in the living room. I found him on the floor near the bathroom door, playing his guitar.

"Family's in the the living room,"I tell him.

He looks up, an unsurprised look on his beautiful  face.

"Is Luke here?"



"It's my side."

"Oh. What are they doing here?"

"I don't know!"I exclaim, slightly annoyed."Why does it bother you?"

"It doesn't."

I roll my eyes and walk out of the room, Joel on my tail.

"Finally!"Mom says as we arrive."Sit. We need to talk."

"Where's Bianca?"I ask.

Dad fidgets with his fingers.

"We'll explain,"Mom promises."But right now, meet your niece, Antonia."

She nods at the bundle now in her arms. She turns it so that we can see a baby. A baby that's the perfect replica of my older sister, that is.

"Aw,"I say, walking over to them. I scoop Antonia up. She's lighter than I expected."Hello, little one."

"I'm glad you like her,"mom says."You now have custody over her."

I almost drop the kid.

"What?"I ask, unsure I heard her correctly.

"You have custody over this child,"Mom repeats, mildly annoyed."Do you not get that, Moriah?"

"But if she's Bianca's kid,"Joel begins,"then why doesn't Bianca take care of her?"

"She would if she could,"Dad says."But she can't."

"Why not?"Anthony asks, finally speaking up.

"Oh,"Mom says."She's dead."

I hate how casually she says that.

Then Mom bursts into tears.

I take it back.

"How is she dead?"Joely asks.

"She killed herself,"Dad answers sadly."Overdosed.She left a letter."

He fishes a folded-up piece of paper out of his pocket and hands it to me. I unfold it and read it quietly in my head. Joel and Anthony read over my shoulder.

 Dear Mom, Dad, Anthony, Momo, and Joely Poely the Koala,

I have to do this. I can't live anymore. I can't take it. He watches me constantly, making note of my every move, making sure I don't tell authorities. And at the same time, he tortures me. Bullying me in front of others during the day, abusing me at night. It was out of this that Antonia Esmerelda was born. Joel, Moriah, I need you to care for her. I know you'll be excellent parents. It's high time you have a baby, anyway, even if it is your niece. Please take care of her. Please. I'm sorry I'm dumping this responsibility onto your shoulders. I just can't take it anymore;I NEED to die.

I hope the rest of  your lives are good; I know they'll better without me in it. Tell baby Antonia I love her.


I collapse; Joel catches me. Leaning me against his firm chest, he slides baby Antonia out of my arms and hands her to my brother. Then he picks me up, bridal-style, and carries me to my favorite red chair. He sits down and places me on his lap.

"So...she's gone?"Anthony asks.

Dad nods, furiously trying to comfort my mother, who is full-out sobbing. I press my face into Joel's chest and cry. I actually miss Bianca, something I never thought I'd admit. Growing up, I couldn't wait for move out because I hated her so much. Yet as I became an adult, I began to appreciate her more. She let me borrow from her closet and makeup and jewelry boxes and helped me whenever I had doubts about being with Joel (because I was scared, not because I didn't like him). She even helped Joel pick out the engagement ring! I'm so sorry she was thought of as the whore of the family (by stupid girls who think they're so great) and that she had to go through so much. I'm sorry she never had a shoulder to cry on or someone to be there for her emotionally. 

I glance at her daughter, my niece, nestled in Anthony's  arms. And I promise.

Bee , I promise to be there for Antonia like you were for me. Like i never was for you. I promise to treat her the same as I would my own children, if Joel finally does manage to get me pregnant. And I promise to hold her close and love her-and pray she feels that love. I promise to do everything for her that I never did for you. I promise. 

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