Chapter 19

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"Sorry I took long, I couldn't find the napkins" Matt handed me the napkins which I held on my nose. Mason and Cam helped me wash my hands from the blood. They also helped me wash the blood from my face, it did sting a little but it went away.

"Y/N I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hit you in the face" Mason apologized yet again, worry in his eyes. I giggled, accepting his apology.

"Don't worry Mason, accidents happen ya know" He smiled at what I said, I'm a very forgiving person, well it depends who I'm forgiving.

I threw away the napkins after my nose stopped bleeding, my phone ringed making me pick it up. I looked to see who it was, surprisingly it was my little sister.

Little Sis 👽

Happy Birthday sis!

It's not even my birthday yet

Happy early birthday!

It's in 3 weeks dumbass

Alright I'm trying to be nice, accept it bitch

I'm going to tell mom that you're cursing

You wouldn't

Try me you midget

I'm not a midget! You're just tall

Sure sure anyways how are you and mom doing?

Good, waiting for you to visit us.. it's been a month and mom misses you a lot

And you don't?

No I'm glad you left, the PS4 is finally all mine

Wow, I miss you too little sis

Mhm, so when are you visiting? We literally live an hour away from your new boyfriends house


That guy you talk about, Mason?

Bitch he's not my boyfriend, that's my friend

Then why do you live with him?!

Because of reasons, I'll visit soon. Don't worry

Better, mom misses you a lot

Tell her I'll go soon, love you two ❤️


Fuck you

I smiled at the texts, I'll visit soon, maybe before my birthday. I hope I'm back in Australia though.

"Who was that?" Cam asked from beside me, I looked at him then at my phone.

"My little sister, she's just asking when I'm gonna visit" I explained, he understood then he got on his phone. I checked the time to see it was 10 pm, I don't even feel tired but very bored.


"Oi cunts let's go out" Mason got up from his chair, it's better than being stuck here all bored and shit. We all got up from where we were and headed out the door, we walked around to see if we could do something. Mason and Eric went in a adult shop to get something, they came back with dildos which they played with.

"You guys are fucking weird" I said as he played with the dildos, Matt decided to record it making me laugh at the things they said. Some girls were talking to us from across the street then Eric said, "I'm an American I don't understand your accent" I mentally face palmed but we kept walking.

We came across a coffee shop, Cam decided to get us drinks and everything we wanted while the rest of us stayed outside. Mason and Eric started wiggling the dildos which people stared at us.

"Can't wait to play with this later tonight" Eric said as he wiggled the dildo, Mason didn't say anything just laughed and agreed.

Eric handed Toby the dildo, he wiggled it making me laugh even more and decided to record all of it.

"Here Y/N grab it" Toby suggested which I declined.

"Oh she wants to grab Cam's dick instead" I glared at Mason once he said that, they all laughed at my expression and decided to tease me more when Cam came back.

"Cam you got a keeper, she only wants your dick" Cam was confused, handing me my drink and brownie that I wanted.

"The hell are you guys talking about? And why do you still have that?" The guys laughed as they kept playing with the toys. After a while they threw it away since they got bored with them.

2 girls came up to us and started talking to us, or to the guys, they didn't talk to me, they even pretended that I wasn't here.

"You guys should come to where we work, don't bring the girl though" One of the girls whispered or tried to, they suck at whispering.

"Hopefully I get to see you big guy" The girl with red hair said, grabbing Cam's hand. My eye twitched, slapping her hand away. Everyone stopped when they heard the slap.

"Excuse me don't you dare hit me" She scoffed, I rolled my eyes, Cam stepping back since he was in the middle of it.

"Excuse me don't grab my boyfriend like that" I fired back, I could hear Eric chuckle a bit.

"I'll do whatever the fuck I want bitch" This girl doesn't know who she's dealing with.

"Grab him again, see what will happen to you cunt" I warned her, she would probably do it.

"Hey don't talk to my friend like that" The girl with brunette hair stepped in.

"Tell your little friend here to not touch my boyfriend like that" I glared at both, finally one of the guys stepped in.

"Ladies, let's all settle down. Let's just part ways" Mason said, the red head looked at him.

"Who was talking to you?" Alright I'm done with this girl.

"Alright I'm done with you bitch" I went to go hit her but Cam stopped me by wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Let's just go guys" Everyone agreed with what Toby said, we all left, Cam decided to carry me so I wouldn't try to go back. That was so childish but that girl shouldn't have grabbed Cameron's hand. We went back to the hotel since it was getting late.

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