Chapter Two || To Enter a Beast's Castle

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WHEN I WAS a little girl, I entertained myself by playing with my cotton stuffed dolls. In my mind, they were the noblest of ladies whose beauty knew no bounds. These dolls were destined to be married to handsome and loving lords, with whom they would spend the rest of their lives. To some extent, that fantasy had come true.

The black metal gates slid open, allowing the horses to pull through. Beyond the frame of the carriage window, I could see rose gardens. Untamed and wild bushes tangled together like a birds' nest; their vines, leaves and thorns blacker than ash. I would have thought them dead had it not been for the roses sprouting at the ends. They were a fierce tinge of red, each petal soaked in the darkest shades of blood. Clearly, there was no gardener—he was probably killed—for the gardens grew in twisted bushes across the paved path and even climbed the walls of the castle.

The carriage rolled to a stop and the doors swung open without my assistance. I remained in the carriage, attempting to tame the wild thundering of my heart. I had to do this—I could not retreat now. For myself, my sisters, and every helpless maiden whose life ended with this marriage, I would accomplish my goal. I could not doubt myself, lest the doubt unnerves me and leads me to fail my mission. Whatever the case, this night had to end with a knife fatally embedded into his flesh.

My eyes slid shut and I pressed my lips together, inhaling through my nose. I am capable of killing him. Hesitantly, I stood and stepped off the carriage, glancing before myself. A cold, wet sensation struck the top side of my temple. Snow began to dust the barren ground.

It was odd, knowing that I was one of the few who stepped here. Attempts made by the soldiers have ended with their fruitless returns and claims of forests that would not grant them entry.

I sighed, my breath a warm cloud that heated my chin and dispersed into the cold. Carefully, I grasped my skirts in a fisted hand and wordlessly ascended the stairs. My feet stepped between the mess of thorned rose vines cleaving about the stone stairs, careful not to let my skirts snag on the briars. I heard the carriage behind me roll along the stone ground, deserting me as the horses pulled it away.

I paused but did not dare to look back for fear that the Beast or his servants were watching me from somewhere within the confines of the castle towers. It was likely that they would fetch my belongings—only after examining their contents. With a breath, I continued until I reached the large elm doors at the top of the stairs. They were framed by stone pilasters decorated with the Beast's emblem, a monstrous creature with a carved heraldry on its head.

I hesitated before entering, my hand hovering over the door handle. And thee shall never set foot in a lodging unless thee knoweth three exits. This entryway would be my first and I was certain the many windows that overlooked the entrance would be usable as escapes. With renewed courage, I raised my hand.

No sooner had I extended my fingers, the doors slid open without my touch. I flinched, expecting to see someone standing in the entry.

Not a soul—only the shadows met my gaze.

And so, I stepped inside, sensing as the air grew heavy and cold. "Hello?" my trembling voice echoed throughout the massive marbled room. "Is anyone here?" My steps followed after the reverberations of my voice. I squinted, peering through the candlelit darkness of the room. "I have arrived. I am the Beas—" My hand flew to cup my mouth and I swallowed the title. "I am his lordship's new wife."

The hall was made of marble, the floors lined with a deep red, rich carpet. I looked around, perturbed to see that the walls were unadorned. Darkness masked the corners which hid from the candlelight.

Beast within the Beauty || A Beauty and the Beast RetellingWhere stories live. Discover now