Chapter Twenty || To Assist a Beast

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"WELL?" HE DRAWLED, holding onto a fistful of folded reins. His fur cloak hung around his shoulders, concealing the red stains adorning his sleeves. From what I gathered, he had found two stallions last night and had been tending to their wounds up until dawn.

I descended the steps, allowing the soles of my leather boots to settle into the snow. It was a great relief that I had opted to clad myself in riding trousers. "I would prefer not to ride with you at all."

Once I was an arms breadth away, he extended his hand and murmured, "It would do me the utmost honor if you would...I could make it worthwhile, should you continue your inquiries from last night."

"Speaking of which, when you agreed to answer my questions, I did not expect you to come knocking on my door, demanding me to keep you company." I ignored his hand and approached Aveneil, gently stroking his thick mane.

"I would not be so crass as to demand my dear bride to some unfavorable task." The snow crunched beneath his feet as he neared me.

"You called me here on the premise of finding the last of your stallions," I pointed out.

"I requested," he corrected me. His gaze was unrelenting, studying me as if with the intent to memorize every wrinkle and fold in my clothing. Once his eyes finally raked back to mine, he said, "You are breathtaking, Ismae."

I ignored the sudden tightness in my chest and kept my face honed into a mask of nothingness. "Enough to strip you of air to breathe, I hope?"

"Certainly." A soft hum left him. "Though it would take other means...perhaps not those knives you favor?"

"Knives you have not yet returned to me." I shifted slightly, unable to resist the urge. He stood so close to me that it felt as though he was embracing me.

"I will consider it," he murmured, dipping his head so that his whispered breath grazed the side of my neck. "But I am far more interested in other matters...The front or the back?"

I turned around and studied the horse. If I were seated behind him, I would be inclined to grasp him as not to fall. And I was fairly sure that he would make some mention of my knees, splayed as to accommodate him. With a breath, I grasped the pommel of the saddle and hoisted myself atop Aveneil. "I would prefer to be in front of you."

"Very well then," he said with a grunt as he bestrode the stallion in a swift movement. The space between my back and his chest dwindled into nothingness, the heat of his body slowly settling against me as he grasped the reins. I bit my tongue.  "What was it that you wanted to know?"

"I...the roses." I clenched my fingers. "I had hoped they would impale you the moment you strayed from the safety of the castle."

The whisper of a laugh warmed my ear. "I am afraid your wish will remain so. The roses are dormant as of now." The stallion spurred to life, its hooves thundering against the frozen earth. "Are you...worried?"

"Of course I am." He looked straight ahead, eyes narrowed as he steered the horse past the iron gates, leading us into the thicket of the forest. "I thought you were not able to leave the castle grounds."

"To an extent," he offered. "I am bound to these lands, unable to venture past the forests. A small mercy it is, to be able to leave the castle, I think."

My brow flitted upwards. "You do not like the castle?"

"Castles make terrible homes, Ismae." He lowered his head, pressing against me as to avoid the branches. I pressed my lips together. "They are dark, cold, and formidable. Even thought this castle has served as a warm home in my younger years, it has long become my prison. I should like to live in a small cottage."

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