Drunk | 5 |

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~3rd PERsOn POV~

    After Yoongi had just heard the words that he never thought he would hear, he had to ask for reassurance from being so shook by what his mother said. Jimin? Jimin his mate? There is no way. Yoongi couldn't even have a normal conversation with this boy, how could he possibly be the one. Maybe he can't speak correctly to Jimin because he's his mate.

    He had never thought that his mate would turn out to be one of his other members, and he for sure never thought that it was going to be a male. Maybe Jimin isn't his mate. Maybe his mom is wrong. She never usually is wrong,
But there's still a chance that she might be. All Yoongi wanted to do in this moment was ball up in his bed and sleep, and just not overthink things.

    As Yoongi made his way to the door, it opened before he could put his fingers over the knob. "Yoongi?" Jin asked while walking out of the door, making yoongi stumble back to where he was to begin with. "Why are you outside?"

    "I could ask you the same thing, mother" Yoongi scoffed at him.

    "Hey, I'm older than you, show respect you ungrateful kid."

    "You're barely even older than me," Yoongi pouted at Jin. "How am I a kid?"

    "Stop dodging my question," Jin said, forcing Yoongi to sit down with him on the same seat that Yoongi had sat on during his call with his mother. "Why are you out here? Who were you talking to?" Jin asked.

    "You heard me talking? Why do you stalk me?"

    "If you don't answer me," Jin looked straight into his eyes "I will make your life so miserable, it isn't even funny."


    "Fine what?"

    "Well, if you must know, I was on the phone with my mother, because I had a problem with Park Jimin."

    "What did Jimin do?" Jin asked, concerned and in fight mode, ready to scold Jiminie for whatever reason.

    "No," yoongi said quickly "nothing bad. It's just.."

    "What? What is it Yoongi, I don't have all day to listen to you and your slow speeches."

    "I called my mother, and I told her that here lately- well, no- ever since I first met Jimin, I've always had this weird feeling about him. And it's not weird in a bad way, it's in a good way. But it's a good way that I don't know how to react or feel about, so I asked her what was wrong with me."

"And?" Seokjin asked with a questionable look.

"And what?" Yoongi asked, confused at what Jin had said. "Oh my lord, Yoongi. Do I have to spell out everything to you? What did your mom say about it?" Jin rolled his eyes and threw his hands up in the air, waiting for an answer that fully satisfied his concerns.

"Oh.." Yoongi looked down at the wooden staircase that led to the ground, and then continued. "My mom told me that she thinks Jimin may or may not be my mate."

Jin looked at Yoongi with another confused expression as if he was asking what he meant by the word mate.

"A mate means- it's kinda like- ugh I don't know how to explain this, I mean hell I barely even know. I never listen to anybody." Yoongi said and then suddenly remembered what his mom had told him about mates after he had been scolded one day for saying he wanted to be forever alone and that he would be better off mateless.

"Having a mate is like having a soulmate. It's like a bond that can't be broken, an attachment to someone. You mark your mate to let other werewolves know that your mate is yours and yours only. But to fully bond with your mate, you have to actually mate if you catch my drift. It makes your bond seal, and makes it impossible to drift apart." Yoongi looked up to see Seokjin with a completely open mouth and eyes bulging out of their sockets.

My Mate |Yoonmin|✔️Where stories live. Discover now