I Want More | 16 |

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~Yoongi's POV~

    Jin dragged me outside of the house and we began walking on the sidewalk towards the park. We have had a few deep conversations with each other before, but this time Jin seemed like he was holding back his thoughts. I didn't really know how to get it out of him, so I just let him keep it to himself until he wanted to tell me what he was thinking.

    On our way to the park, we stayed silent. We only walked side by side with the sound of the wind and leaves blowing down and landing in front of us. I finally look up to see the park in front of my eyes, I saw a few kids and parents stumbling to grab them and keep them near, and I saw a couple of teens and younger adults on their phones, and some were on their laptops typing away at probably essays and homework.

    Jin dragged me over to a little wooden table and forced me to sit down, and he sat across from me. He sighed and then looked up at me with puppy eyes. He looked like he was ready to let out his feelings, but I could tell that he was scared to. I don't know why, he always tells me things. Especially important things.

    "What is it, Jin?" I ask him and he sighs again, this time his voice was trembling and you could tell he was about to start crying. Did someone hurt him? God, what happened? "Tell me what happened! Do I need to hurt someone?" I asked furiously, and he shook his head and let out a sad and short laugh.

    "N-no. Nothing happened Yoongi." He finally started to calm down, and he looked me in the eyes. He finally started to speak and left me to keep my mouth closed and my face calmer than before.

"NamjoonAndIAreDatingAndI'MScaredOfWhatPeopleWillThinkOfUs." He said in hyper speed.

"Jinnie.." I slowly said. "You know I'm slow. What the hell did you just say?"

Jin laughed and then slowed his sentence down. "Namjoon told me that he had feelings for me last night, and I've had feelings for him for a long time. I've liked him ever since I first met him, and I told him that. And now I'm scared of what people will that about... about me and Joonie dating.." He looked at the ground and started fiddling with the bottom of his shirt.

"Seokjin," I put my hand on his shoulder and he looked me in the eyes once again. "It doesn't matter what other people think of you. Let them possibly hate on you or let them still love you. All of that doesn't matter if Namjoon makes you happy. Your happiness with Joon is all that matters." I say with confidence as Jin shyly nods his head.

He then took my hand off of his shoulder and looked up, revealing his big smile on his face. "Great." He stood up confidently and smirked at me. "Maybe you should practice what you preach Yoongi." He held out his hand indicating me to take it and I was confused about the whole conversation we just had.

"Wait-" I began to say and he cut me off.

"No!" He grabbed my hand and forced me to walk with him. "You said it yourself, you shouldn't care what the world thinks. Now get your head out of your ass and confess to Jiminie!"

"So... you don't like Namjoon?"

"Oh... I do.. But he doesn't know that, and he never will." Jin blushed and looked away from me. Did he really just lie to make me realize that I should I confess? Maybe I should.. NO.

"Then maybe you should practice what you preach." I say and smirk back at him. I can't confess to Jimin yet, he doesn't even like me. I have to make sure of my own feelings and hopefully get him to know the true me and get him to possibly like me first before I tell him that I....

Do I love him? I don't know.. I don't even think I know him like I want to. I mean, I've literally ignored him for days now. I think it's time for me to change. I don't know many things, but I do know two things for sure. I need Jimin. I want Jimin.


~Jimin's POV~

    After Jin barged into the room and took Yoongi away, I just sat there on my bed bored out of my mind. I didn't want to practice choreography because my legs had been hurting and I was still confused about what happened with Yoongi and I was afraid to talk to anybody.

    I'm scared that if I talk to someone that I'll spill out all of my emotions and secrets I've kept bottled in for so long. I feel like a bubble that about to be popped by a needle. Min Yoongi is the needle. I have to hold myself back from telling him things sometimes when we talk. I mean heck, I literally told him that I was gay and that I've only been in one relationship before.

    Pathetic. He could tell me his whole life story and I just keep my mouth shut about mine. But the thing is, I don't want people to know my story. I don't want to tell them about how I get hate comments on our videos. I don't want to tell them that I cry about those comments. I don't want to tell them that I hate myself either.

    I don't want to tell anybody those things. I don't want to tell them that I work extra hard in hopes that those hateful words will just disappear and the people with love me instead. I don't want to tell a single soul.... except Yoongi.

    He has told me about his ex girlfriend who cheated on him and made his health and interactions with other people much worse than they used to be. He's told me about him being a completely different creature in this world, a werewolf for fuck sake, and here I am whining like a little bitch over a useless random account telling me that I need to do better in life.

    I'm overreacting about my feelings. I should just tell Yoongi that I have a huge crush on him. I should tell him my problems and thoughts and hope that he listens. Yoongi has done nothing but vent to me and tell me his little and even big secrets, and I never tell him anything.

    Usually when someone likes a person, they throw themselves at them. I don't do that. I'm scared to just throw myself at Yoongi because if I get rejected, which I will, I'll be so damn useless. I won't have anyone to talk to. The only person I really ever talk to is Tae, and he hasn't really talked to me lately, he's been hanging out with Jungkook. Jin and I have a close relationship, but not close enough for me to just sit and cry in his arms. So that leaves me with three people.

    Hoseok doesn't really like to talk about real problems, he always tries to ignore them, so I want him to stay the cheerful person that he is, even if it is just all a mask. Namjoon... he would listen to me and give me advice, but I never really have time to talk to him. He's always either with Jin or working on something. And then there's Yoongi. He's either asleep, working, or just too scary to talk to.

    Yoongi isn't actually really scary to talk to. He only scares me because the fear of rejection overwhelms me. Seokjin casually talks to him and pulls him everywhere and makes him do things with him because they are best friends. Me and Yoongi though.. We aren't even really close. I do consider us friends though. I don't know if he does, but since I know so many hidden things, and we live in the same house and room, I'd consider it a friendship.

    But I want it to be more.

This is basically a chapter about the characters thoughts 🤷‍♀️

Also I'm sad. I no longer have a best friend..

My Mate |Yoonmin|✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt