five - gone and passed

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Hazel Carter, Age 7 (two year time skip)

Hazel's POV

"Hazel first day of school!" I heard the loud sound of Peggy making breakfast.

"I don't wanna get up." I pulled the pillow on top of my head.

"You're going rather you want to or not" She yelled back.

"I like staying here. I don't like other kids, way to many germs" I said back.

"Hazel so help me I will get a bucket of water" I heard her pull out a pan.

"OKAY IM UP!" I yelled back and jumped out of bed.

I pulled out a baby blue dress and put it on. I'll worry about shoes later.

I brushed my lion mane and tied it back into a ponytail then put a white bow around it.

"You better be getting ready!" She called out.

"I am!" I walked out. "Need any help with breakfast?"

"Yes can you get the toast?" She put eggs on the both plates.

"Yes ma'm" I pulled out two pieces of toast and placed them on the plates. "Jam?" I asked.

"Grape please" She started cleaning the pan.

I nodded and spread the grape jelly on both pieces then put them both on the table.

I sat down and waited for Peggy to be done so I can start eating.

She sat down after drying her hands then we prayed and started eating.

"This is good" I spoke through bites.

"Don't talk with your mouth full" She sipped on her glass of milk.

I quickly ate, cleaned my plate then walked back into my room to gather my school stuff.

I slipped on my white frilly socks and black Mary Janes then grabbed my brown bag.

"Are you ready?" She called from the living room.

"Yep" I walked out and we both put on our coats then headed out.

"Why can't I take the school bus?" I walked down the stairs and got in the car.

"I want to make sure you are safe" She got in and began driving.

"What is this 'safe' thing?" I crossed my arms.

"All mothers want their children to be safe." She made a turn.

I mumbled back and slouched down in my seat further.

• • •

We pulled up to my new school and I saw many other children.

"Do I have to?" I put my hand on the handle, hesitating.

"Yes you do, now remember...look at me." She put her hand on my wrist.

I looked at her "Remember what?"

"Be gentle, don't let anyone kno-"

I cut her off "That I'm really strong I know." I opened the door.

"Behave Hazel and make some friends" She turned back to the steering wheel.

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