three - heavy secrets

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Swipe and listen to the music when they get to the hellicarrier for effect.

I was extremely tired from all that action last night. I was taken to a new base in America so that made me happy. Phil was super busy, of course I understand.

"Hey Hazel." I heard Phil but he looked ready to go somewhere.

"Where are you going?" I put my hands in my pockets.

"Hopefully to convince Stark to help us." Phil sighed.

"Good luck with that." I smiled and wandered to my temporary room. This room Is smaller then the one I had in Mexico, plus I had my own bathroom there.

I didn't have any belongings, so whatever I had in Mexico is most likely under rubble, but nothing I had was valuable to me. Well the dog tags are.

I sat down on my uncomfortable bed and thought to myself.

I should really get changed out of these dirty dusty clothes... Nah sleep is more important.

I closed my eyes but not even a second later I heard knocking on my door.

"Can a girl get any sleep around here?!" I got up and opened my door. The badass himself stood there.

"Yes Fury?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Hazel we need to talk." Fury motioned for me to follow him.

I groaned and slowly followed behind. I really need sleep.

We stopped in a small conference room and he took a seat in the back.

"You couldn't have talked to me in my room?" I sat down and leaned back.

"Hazel. You know what happened, but we haven't been completely honest with you." Fury got up and poured water into a glass.

"Honest? What haven't you been honest about?" I folded my arms on the table.

"Captain Rogers." He walked over to me and put the glass in front of me.

"What about him?" I picked up the glass.

"Hazel... he never died, he woke up shortly before you did." He said bluntly, straight to the point.

"WHAT?" I dropped the glass but surprisingly, it landed.

"That's the worst thing you could lie about! you said everyone died, you said I was alone." I stood up.

"Hazel we wanted to let you down slowly." He didn't show any expression on his face.

"Does he know? You probably lied to him too!" I shouted.

"That's what I'm here to talk to you about."

"Why now?" I sat back down struggling to take all this information in. I am so tired.

"You know we are going aboard the helicarrier already."

"Yes, Phil told me, you are rounding up smart people to get the tesseract back." I sat back down and leaned back.

"That's not the only thing, we need strong people. We need Rogers."

"So you told me so I wouldn't be shocked when I see him, I bet if you never had to bring him in you would have continued to lie to me."

He ignored my question. "You cannot tell him, it'll get in the middle of his mission."

I stood up. "Fine i'll but I'm telling you. He WILL find out and he'll be pissed like me." I stood up again.

"Tell everyone to leave me alone until I need to get on the ship." I turned and left the room.

Frozen In Time | H. Rogers ✓Where stories live. Discover now